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Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 1 – Introduction, Sparta

Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 1 – Introduction, Sparta

Things start simply with the Ranger talking about his past and sitting around the camp fire with his comrades. A little after all that you will find your position under attack by mutants or dark figures. They will advance on you and you need to gun them down. Just fight on until the sequence comes to a cinematic end. A Dark One will put its hand on you and everything will fade to black.

Artyom wakes up from his dream and his friend, Khan, is telling him about seeing one of the Dark Ones. He wants you to track down some of the surviving Dark Ones and attempt contact with them. Ayrtom needs to go and talk with Miller. He goes over to the desk, grabs a few items and then you are in control. There does not look to be anything more interesting on the desk so head out the door and over to the left.

Go through the doors and down the corridor. Just follow it along until you reach the Armory. The sergeant there wants to get a drink with you some time to celebrate, until then he is content just to get you equipped and ready to move around. First is the Gas mask and some filters for it. This followed by Med Kits, pay (Military Grade Ammo), and finally guns.

To start you have the choice of 5 guns. You get to try them all: Assault Rifle, Rifle, SMG, Pistol and Shotgun. With your guns in hand go over to the right and you will find the range. Use this to get a handle on how each of them perform in more controlled conditions. This is one of the only times in the game where you do not need to worry about ammunition. You are walked through the basics of aiming and taking things down. First it is just gun the target down, after that you are prompted to go for a head shot.

When you are happy with your arsenal (as it is) then turn around and head on. The next doors lead through the cafeteria. Continue onward to the cells through the next double doors. This leads to 2 massive gates barring your way. There are a few people (Khan and the other Ranger) talking with Alex, one of the guards at the gate. He waves them through and the gates open for them and Artyom. Head on through and onto the lift. Listen to what Khan has to say to his escort about Metro Station D6. Just follow him when the lift comes to a stop and head on forward to the next gate.

Head on through the gate into the commander's room. Khan will continue to have a few more words to say. When he finishes talking the door opens to the command room. Head on inside with Khan. Khan starts his report, giving his point of view, though the commander does not seem to agree with it much. After all that gets dealt with, Artyom heads out with Anna. Grab the note sitting on the chair before leaving though. That concludes this part so just head onto the train and move onto the next part.