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Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 5 – Separation

Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 5 – Separation

Head on forward after Pavel crashes the Rail Bike through the grating. Start on your way forward. Keep going until Pavel find a pipe. He will ask you to boost him up into it. He will go down the pipe to scout ahead but winds up tumbling right into the enemy's lap from the sound of things. Time for Artyom to find a hiding place. Turn off your flashlight and wait. 2 guards will come into the tunnel you are hiding in. Wait for their backs to be to you. From there, move in and stealth kill them both. When you hear them take about the dead end that is your best chance to move in and kill them one at a time.

With the guards dead head over to the doorway they came through. You can either do this through stealth or combat. There is a guard on the right-hand side of the room, not too far from the door. Another patrols the stairs toward the middle of the room. Another leans into a console around the middle of the room.

If you are after stealth then head immediately over to the left and into the shadows. Climb up onto the catwalk. You will be visible briefly but likely no one will notice you. After that just drop down to the floor and start working on the guards or ignore them. Head across after the guard faces away and then make a quick left into the next room. Move slowly as another guard patrols to the left of this room. Head to the back of the room and go up the stairs on the right. At the top of the stairs you can turn to the left and take out the guard that is there easily. Turn back to the stairs and wait for another guard to reach the bottom of the stairs. You can take him out easily while his back is to you. If you do, be sure to the guard that is over to the right before the divider as well to stop an alarm from going up. Head on back up the stairs.

Back on the second level you should move forward but pause before the opening. Press against the right-hand side machinery and wait for the patrolling guard to go by.  Be sure to open up the cache that is there for a variety of ammo, including Military Grade Ammo. When the guard has gone past and is paused at the end of his route head up behind him and take him down. Turn around and start down the walkway. Be sure to take a little time in that control room as well. There is a note somewhere in there.

Head back to where you killed that last guard and drop off to the right-hand side. Take the stairs on up and enter into the man's room. He is an innocent, so if you want the good ending, just knock him out. Look on the dresser opposite him to find another note. Head forward into the next tunnel and look along the right-hand side for duct you can climb into. Do so and press on forward through it. This will get you onto the next part.