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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Umoja Achievements: Back in the Saddle

Normal Difficulty:

Back in the Saddle (10): Complete the mission.  (Woo?)

Full Throttle (10): Keep the Dominion from destroying any of the Tram Engines.  This is relatively simple as long as you keep on your toes during the transport ride and make sure to use Sarah's abilities.

Brutal Legend (10): Don't take damage from Archangel during the fight with it.  This does not count the damage dealt by the 'mech landing, only damage caused by its missiles and bombs.  The strafing runs are pretty easy to avoid, the difficult part is the missiles it launches when it's landed- when it's on an edge of the dock platform, it tends to cover about three quarters of the platform with explosions.  This means that you'll need to either have Kerrigan sprint across the platform each time it prepares to launch the missiles (good luck), or keep her moving to avoid the individual explosions by weaving through the barrage (slightly easier, but still not flat-out easy).

Hard Difficulty:

Nick of Time (10):
Complete the mission with at least 40 seconds left on each lockdown when you pass the relevant gate.  A real speed-strainer, this achievement doesn't just require being fast, it requires being consistently fast despite the variety of enemies you encounter during the course of this mission.  Don't expect to get this the first time- the real key here is the Crushing Grip power Kerrigan has and using it to its fullest to run past enemies rather than kill them.