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Heart of the Swarm Campaign Achievements: Kaldir- Enemy Within

Normal Difficulty:

Enemy Within (10):

Biomass Effect (10): Collect 450 biomass.  This is slightly challenging- the amount is actually slightly more than you need to fully 'evolve' Niadra and gain access to hydralisks.  You'll want to make sure you're tearing up the wildlife samples every chance you get- with the exception of the Giant Ursadon, you don't actually need to use Niadra's Infest ability to gain their biomass either.  Just have your units wander around ripping the heads off of things as they pass and you'll be fine.  Alternately, keep your units on the offensive and have Niadra Infest the various cells while your other Zerg are killing Protoss units- this will save you a good deal of time.

Failure to Launch (10):
Don't let any escape pod countdowns reach 20 seconds.  Slightly challenging- while it seems like the best way to accomplish this would be to attack the pods first, then the Protoss forces assaulting your own attackers, this actually results in wasted time- it means replacing your units more frequently and getting bogged down in a lot of extended fights thanks to the reduced firepower on your end.  Instead, have your units attack-move near the pods: they'll attack the Protoss units first, and with those dead you don't have to worry about losing the offensive might you need to rip the pod bays clean off the walls.

Hard Difficulty:

Monster Smash (10):
Kill 15 units with the Giant Ursadon.  While the Giant Ursadon is a big hefty stompy monster with a cool leaping ability that lets it return to the fray quickly when all nearby enemies are dead, the creature suffers from a few crippling disabilities- it’s very large stature is terribly inconvenient in the cramped quarters of the Protoss ship, it can’t Leap as often as would best befit it, Leap deals next to no damage and doesn’t even briefly stagger the enemies it could/does land on, and its attacks are only passable despite being dramatic and quite slow.  Its overal poor pace of function as a unit makes it pretty much flatly inferior to the other units you could keep up with Niadra’s spawning ability using the same quantity of control points, and additionally makes it a significant obstruction to the zerglings that you would rather use to screen it and your ranged units assuming you aren’t using roaches to frontline for your hydralisks.  And if you are leaning entirely on roaches and hydralisks, the thing is going to have to tank a lot of damage to even stick around in combat, where its slow attack guarantees it won’t get many kills.  Abuse of upgraded zerglings and a quick hand at having the thing Leap into combat and out of danger situations is pretty much a must here- while it can take a beating, it simply doesn’t bring down the things hurting it fast enough to make that as useful a trait as it should be.  Metabolic Boost to increase the movement speed of Zerglings is highly recommendable for this mission in particular to allow you to keep some between the Giant Ursadon and enemy units that it’s not in the middle of pasting.