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Heart of the Swarm Campaign: Kaldir- Enemy Within (Part 3)

When the warp core explodes it seems as though the mission may be done- but the loss of power prompts the ship's computer to begin releasing the stasis-preserved warriors here in the very next room.  Slay the four zealots here, waiting as necessary, and take the time to grab more bio-mass from the nearby wildlife samples while you have the opportunity.  If you've been killing all of the collected creatures so far, you should now have enough bio-mass to have Niadra grow again, this time enabling her to create roaches.

The next room contains more Protoss in stasis- a whole twelve units- and a large number of biomass-providing creatures.  The Protoss will be released three at a time, and each round of enemies will only start being released when the prior wave is dead, so don't feel too rushed- but make sure they do not kill the animals before you do: the colonists are now becoming a bit more canny and trying to kill off your sources of biomass before you get a chance, and a Protoss-killed animal will not provide you with any resource.

Once everything non-Zerg in this room is dead, head to the East and into the hallway- it is very short and leads to another room with even more wildlife samples and even more Protoss.  This time there is an immortal present, a bane to any roaches in your force, and the last six protoss- four zealots and two sentries- awaken simultaneously.  Make sure to take them out, then gather all the biomass you can for Niadra.  You should be able to have her Grow again, losing the Growth ability in exchange for the capacity to birth hydralisks and extending her control count to a whopping 35.

The room following holds not only a number of wildlife samples, but another Giant Ursadon and six zealots who immediately begin trying to kill off the animals before you can harvest their biomatter.  Slay the zealots and, if you can, take control of the ursadon with Niadra's infest ability.  If you like, you can retain the ursadon as an addition to your forces, but you can also Consume it with the larva implanted in it to gain considerably more biomatter than you would by just killing the thing- and will need to if you want a particular achievement.

Keep going to the Southwest and Kerrigan will warn that the Protoss are fortifying the bridge- so make sure you've got your full force present.  Tear down the field generator to continue to the South and into the bridge area.  The protoss will prepare escape pods to head for Shakuras- but you can use your forces to tear into the launching bays and prevent the launches.  Make sure you take out the attacking Protoss units beforehand, though, or you'll spend all your time replacing your units.  Once the pod launchers have been destroyed, the only remaining goal is the death of all the Protoss units present- relatively easy given that they will charge at you once the pod launchers are eliminated.

With this done, Niadra attempts to contact Kerrigan- only to get no response.  Going off of her last orders, she makes ready to follow through- to destroy the Protoss....