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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Char Achievements: Domination

Normal Difficulty:

Domination (10):
Complete the mission.

Poached Eggs (10): Hatch all 6 baneling nests before collecting your 100th egg.  This is a bit of a challenge- not for the difficulty of reaching the nests, but for the difficulty of doing so without collecting enough eggs to complete the primary objective.  If you want to go for this, the best way is to set aside a good deal of time and spend the whole mission keeping Zagara cooped up in her own base while obliterating enemy forces without the use of Kerrigan- then send Sarah out to collect just the baneling nests with careful 'piloting' to avoid the eggs scattered all around them.

No Egg for You (10):
Keep Zagara from collecting any eggs at all.  This goes hand-in-hand with Poached Eggs- use your forces to keep Zagara stuck regenerating and/or in her own base at all times and you will have both the leisure to clear out enemy forces and collect the nests without touching any eggs, and the ability to collect your own set of eggs without ever leaving Zagara unhindered.  As with the previous achievement, if you're reaching for this your first priority should be making the entrance to Zagara's base a no-pass zone, most accomplishable through a wall of hydralisks and roaches backed up by sunken colonies.  Thankfully, much of the terrain throughout the map is covered in creep, or this would be slightly harder than it already is- and much more time consuming.

Hard Difficulty:

Shutout (10): Destroy Zagara’s base in under 14 minutes without collecting 100 eggs.  This would be hard enough if it were just a destruction task, but adding on the requirement to do it before collecting enough eggs makes this an especial challenge.  Camping Kerrigan and a small force out in front of the enemy encampment is an absolute must here, otherwise you’re going to be spending too much focus on sending troops out repeatedly to stop the rogue brood mother’s attempts to gather eggs for herself.  Once you have enough of a force in place to quickly take her out each time she leaves her base, you’re going to want to turn your main focus to improving your economy and unit output as much as possible.  Improved Overlords are pretty much a must when attempting this, as is a lightning assault on the enemy units immediately to the East of your starting base so that you can start gathering minerals and vespene from there.  Make sure you have a decent mix of ranged and melee units- access to hydralisks and roaches is necessary to keep your rate of unit and building destruction at a maximum so you can cut the time for the actual razing of Zagara’s hive cluster to as short a period as possible.  When choosing evolutions for this mission, a strong mix of unit efficiency and power is warranted- the roach evolution for increased armor when injured is very useful, as is the Grooved Spines improvement that will give your hydralisks superior range.  For zerglings, either the adrenal glands or improved plating are most desirable in this environment- Zagara doesn’t use much that can take out zerglings in a single hit, so the increased durability will do well, but an improved attack speed can make for a much more swiftly destructive force, particularly if the zerglings survive past the presence of enemy units and have to help tear down the hive structures.