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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 59 – For The Greater Good (With the Tide)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 59 – For The Greater Good (With the Tide)

This is one of the final area: The Docks. You have a lot of area to cover to find Harlow and stop her from getting away with the data. Head on down the stairs to the ground level. Go over to the right and over the wreckage of the metal gate. Turn to the left, duck down and head underneath that same wreckage to move on forward. Advance slowly as there are a few Walkers that will try to ambush you. One from the ground and the others from around the corner ahead. Get into the next room and go over to the left.

Weave your way through the next room and into the room with the Work bench. There are a good number of zombies in the next room. Equip Grenades or something of their kin and throw it on through the doorway. This will take out most of the zombies and get the one who is hiding below you in the Work Bench room to stand up. Kill them all then use the work bench to repair and get ready for something of a haul through the docks. Go into the room that had all the zombies.

There are still a few zombies in there so deal with them quickly. Head on over to the left and through the door you find down there. Before you go to the left and advance, head over to the right. Here you have at least 4 “sleeping” zombies. Take them out quickly and search the area. You can find ammo and a weapon crate. With that done head over to the left but advance carefully.

As you go down to the left you will see a mass of zombies ahead. This is a good number of Walkers and in the center is a Screamer. The best thing you can do is hurl 2 grenades or anything like it into the mass. This will thin out the herd and make the Screamer that much easier to take down. Continue on forward.

You will come to another hallway with 2 ways to go. They both lead to the same place. It is better to go over to the left. There are a lot of zombies in the room on the left and you will want to kill them all. The reason is simple. When you leave this room to the right you will find a door that opens when you get close. There are a number of zombies behind it and a Ram. If you have to deal with both groups of zombies then your life is going to be over a few more times than it would be otherwise. If you break it up into 2 fights then it gets a lot easier. However you do it, when done, head down the passage you see the Mini-map leading: to the East

You can search the rooms to the side to find some nice extra goodies but keep moving to the East. As you pass through the next gate you will find yourself facing a Walker than 4 Infected that come charging at you. Deal with them then head to the end of the present corridor.

When you reach the end of the corridor then you will see a door burst open on the right. From there you will be rushed by 5 Walkers. On the left there are a number more Walkers and Infected in addition to a Wrestler. The Wrestler is usually late to the show thanks to its pondering pace. This makes things easier to deal with but you will want to fall back to avoid dealing with the standard zombies and the Wrestler. Deal with them then head along the corridor to the left. There are 2 more Walkers in it but they are waiting to ambush you more than anything. At the end of this hallway you will find a barricade. It will let you through but not back up. This cuts off access to the upstairs so be ready for that. Climb over it and head on down the stairwell to reach the next part of the docks.