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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Skygeirr: Phantoms of the Void (Part 3)

When Stukov is in place, Narud will unleash a pair of Hybrid this time, and with the two Hybrid spawn locations separated as they are, they will arrive at the temple at separate times.  This makes defending against them easier- just make sure you pull your forces back so the Hybrids have to get in range of Stukov's Corrosive Blast before fighting, and both combats are pretty much in the bag.  Of more concern are the Protoss forces that come in beforehand- they do operate at a notable range, so melee units you have stationed by the temple may get drawn out and put in the Hybrids' line of fire.  Keeping a tight leash can prevent large losses, so maintain a watch on these units.

If you cross the midline directly from here, you can quickly reach a second Xel'naga crystal to the Northwest.  Again, the defenses here are remarkably light, though they do include a single colossus.

At this point, Narud starts launching much more dangerous attacks against your colony.  While the colony itself isn't so much a priority at this point if you already have an attacking force established, letting it be destroyed will allow the Protoss units to turn and attack Kerrigan, which you cannot afford.  Make sure you produce or establish very firm base defenses by or around this point, as the attacks will only become more vicious- expect archons and scouts around this time, just for an example.

If you like, you can next turn to the midline temple, which is protected primarily by ground troops and a pair of cannon.  This lightly defended position is also immediately behind the last Protoss forward base, so you can use this as a chance to slow down the enemy attacks on your hive as well.  Once Stukov is in place, Amon launches another pair of Hybrid at you, each accompanied by additional Protoss troops- again, keep your forces on the platform to force them into range of Corrosive Blast, and you should have no problems here.