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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Skygeirr: Phantoms of the Void (Part 4)

The last crystal waits to the due West of this location, an easy target for your next quick assault.  This leaves only the second main Taldarim base on the North edge of the map and the last Xel'naga temple closer to the North as enemy strongholds.  If you have the time and inclination, feel free to rip through the Taldarim base, just be aware that it doesn't really net you anything at this point in terms of making the mission easier.  It also is large and well defended, so you may not be willing to risk your troops.

When you start destroying the last temple, Narud will launch a huge assault force, including multiple colossi and a pair of Hybrids.  These will attack the temple platform from a distance, making it harder to take full advantage of Stukov's abilities.  Keep your full force in place at the temple to defend him and support each other so that you don't fail- chances are by now you're almost out of time as it is.

While you don’t have to face the targets in this order (and can, indeed, do pretty much the reverse by tackling the North side and sweeping through the far corner to the East side), it does simplify things a lot by keeping your attack units concentrated around Alexei and leaving only defensive options as a sideline.  If you’re particularly confident in your micromanagement or multimanagement abilities, feel free to assault both sides simultaneously, or even strike at the enemy bases first and the temples second- whatever suits your gameplay.

Once the temple is destroyed, Kerrigan breaks into the deepest part of the facility here.  There, she faces the shapeshifter- who does his best to torment her.  First he wears James Raynor's face- and then the face that Kerrigan once had, before her abduction by the Swarm.  He uses her distraction to impale her on a psi-blade- but seems to have forgotten that Sarah Kerrigan is the Queen of Blades, and has no end of points she can make at any time.  Thus, Narud is slain- but it is also revealed that Kerrigan's efforts here are in part too late: Amon already lives again.