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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Skygeirr Achievements: Phantoms of the Void

Normal Difficulty:

Phantoms of the Void (10):

Stukov Strikes Back (10):
Complete the mission without Alexei Stukov ever dying.  This isn't much of a challenge.  Stukov should always be at the core of your attack force, moving from temple to temple and then protecting himself while working to destroy the structures.  If you're letting your assault force stray from his reach, you're not only failing to take advantage of his large healing aura, but also dangerously losing your focus on a mission where you need your attacks to be highly concentrated.

The Phantoms Menaced (10):
Kill 2 Hybrid within a 20 second period at some point within the mission.  Given that most of Narud's assaults involve a pair of Hybrid, this isn't as difficult as it could be.  The issue is that by the time he is attacking with a pair of Hybrid rather than a single one, you may have taken out both of the temples nearest your main base- which means the Hybrid will often reach the temple you're working on more than 20 seconds apart.  Choosing a direction (North or East) and then sticking with it should fix this, as it allows you to pick up one or two temples that are roughly equidistant from the Taldarim-guarded Hybrid spawn points during the latter half of the mission.  If you're having issues, try facing the first of a pair of Hybrids without using Corrosive Blast- provided you have the needed forces to kill it anyway, it should die much closer to the point where the second Hybrid reaches whatever temple you're in the middle of destroying.

Hard Difficulty:

No-toss (10):
Destroy all Protoss structures.  This is considerably difficult on Hard Mode.  You will need to find a way to operate a pair of assault forces- one more modest, surrounding Stukov and geared to take advantage of his abilities to destroy the garrisons on the Xel'naga temples as well as the Hybrids, and a second, larger force to take out the two Taldarim bases.  With the size and defenses of both bases, this is a very tall order, so don't expect to pull it off on your first try.  Do what you can to take advantage of the close proximity of the temples and enemy bases, and make sure you don't skip the Xel'naga crystals- the two that aren't on the South edge of the map both have at least one Protoss structure accompanying them.  It's very easy to run out of time here, so you may find that fast troops are to your advantage.  Alternately, especially tough troops- a combination of ultralisks, aberrations, and your choice of anti-air unit- backed up by a large number of queens may prove to be your key for this.  Don't be afraid to throw vast numbers of light troops in either, as there are a total of four mineable locations on the map, counting the ones held by the Taldarim Protoss.  As with The Phantoms Menaced, you will likely find this easier if you keep your troops focused on only one or two locations and make a sweep around the map rather than slowly spreading in all directions.