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Remember Me – Memory Remix and Bug Guide Part 1

Remember Me – Memory Remix and Bug Guide Part 1

This is the ability that sets Nilin apart from every other Memory Hunters: Her ability to change memories. Memory Remixes play out as a cinematic to see how the event actually occurred. Once she is aware of how it went and the desired result you must start rewinding the memory to edit it. To do this you must search for Memory Glitches. These Gltiches allow Nilin to alter the memory without the Host being alerted. This can change, in a moment, not just their point of view but their whole personality as well. There are a total of 5 Memory Remixes throughout the game.

Inside each you will also find a Memory bug. This glitch is a term assigned to an unwanted death during the memory remix process. There are 5 memory bugs, one for each memory remixes.

Episode 1: The Memory Transfusion
Target: Olga Sedova
Interaction 1: Follow the in-game tutorial to be lead to a strap to unlock it. This alone will not do anything as you watch the memory through but it is a start.

Memory Bug: Interact with Memory Flux
This causes David's Memories to drain into Olga which effectively kills her. How can she remember these events if she died?

Successful Remix Interaction List:
Capsules: Switch – Yes
Trolley: Move – No
Ping Machine: Activate – No
Anesthetic Mask: Untie – Yes
Strap: Unlock - Yes

Episode 4: The Break Up
Target: Folan
This memory is unique in that it has 2 Memory Bugs that Nilin can find. As such they are listed in the proper order to activate both of them.

Memory Bug 1: Gun Safety – Remove: Yes
If you are after the “Unbelievable Truth” then this is the first and only Memory Bug you want to find in this remix. This culminates in Folan shooting himself.

Memory Bug 2: Bottle – Knock Over: Yes
This is the second Memory Bug which results in Folan killing himself.

Successful Remix Interaction List:
Trophy: Knock Over – No
Bottle: Knock Over – Yes
Gun Safety: Remove – Yes (while on table)
Suitcase GPS: Corrupt – No
Cigarette: Tip Over - No
Side Table: Retract - Yes