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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 30 – Episode 5: Headshot (Memorize HQ: Entrance)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 30 – Episode 5: Headshot (Memorize HQ: Entrance)

A quick cutscene runs as Nilin emerges on the other side of the shutter. Head over to the piping to the left  Just over your way over to the right and you will find the entrance to Memorize. The problem here is you encounter an Elite Enforcer and Reconversion Leapers. You cannot daze the Reconversion Leaper with Sensen DOS so just save up for Focus for now. The best thing you can do is get ready. Take out the Leapers first that are being controlled by the Elite Enforcer. After that, move in and fight the Elite using mostly Regen Pressens followed with some damage.

After you take out the Elite and his Reconversion Leapers Nilin automatically returns to the center of the platform. Once there a drop ship appears with more Enforcers: 1 Elite, 2 Heavy and 2 Enforcers. Start by using the Junk Bolt to take out the C3 shields and keep on the move to avoid the Brainlock they can inflict on Nilin. After that use a mix of short combos and Logic Bombs to blast through the Heavy and Basic Enforces. That will let Nilin focus properly on the Elite as he poses the biggest threat alone. Take him out then it is onto the third wave of the fight.

This is the one where multiple bars of Focus will come in very handy. There are 2 Nephilim that drop into the fight so be ready for them immediately. The best thing to do is immediately target one with Rust In Pieces and hit it. It will suck in the nearby Enforcers that came with it and do serious damage to them. After that focus on whatever Enforcer is nearby and hit them with lots of Cooldown Pressens to bring that S-Pressen back online to finish off the second Nephilim. In the mean time just pummel whoever is closest. Remember that if that is the Elite, use a Regen heavy combination to ensure Nilin down not die from simply hitting him.

After that fight go over to the right and find the Remembrane that has appeared. Activate it to start on your path forward into Memorize HQ. Synchronize with the first lock to gain access to the second one. This one is more a puzzle than anything Head to the Remembrane in front of the door to get the clues for the door itself:
“My first is second when counting them all.” The second number is 2
“My second is frozen when absolute.” At absolute Zero, everything is fo
“My third has all its senses.”
“My fourth tap-dances like a spider.”
“Put them all together, I can go through the door.”

It is a satisfying little puzzle and easy to work out. Think about counting up first, what is the second number. The second one takes a little physics: when do you get everything frozen all the way through? The third is fairly easy, how many senses are there? The fourth is also simple, what do you need to tap dance literally like a spider?

The answer works out like this: “2-0-5-8”. Just punch that in using the Spammer and Nilin can access the VIP entrance to Memorize. Head inside.