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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 4 – Chapter 2: The Quarantine Zone (The Slums)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 4 – Chapter 2: The Quarantine Zone (The Slums)

Head on through the rest of the building and take the stairs down on the right. Once again it looks like a one-way trip. Once you are on solid ground start off to the left after Tess down the alley. Jump the barrier and then crouch underneath the collapsed stairs.

When you make it out from underneath the stairs then look up at the tree directly in front of you. You will find another Firefly pendant hanging there. Shoot it down with your handgun (aim for the pendant itself) then go over to it and collect it with “Triangle”. After that head over to the right. Tess will open the next door for you and tell you to shut it once through. Joel does this automatically.

Head over to the left, turning on your flashlight with “R3”. Follow Tess on through the house and down the short set of stairs. Turn to the right and on the counter-top there. Joel will find more ammo he can use there so grab it. When you are ready for the next bit head over to the door that Tess is standing by. She opens the door and a kid is on the other side. She offers him some ration stamps in exchange for ensuring the upcoming area is clear of Soldiers and Robert's Men. The kid will knock on the window and that appears to be the all clear signal. Head on through the door and out to the street. Welcome to the Slums.

One of the men you are passing seems to want to deal with Tess but she tells him to wait on it. Follow Tess over to the left. Head on through the stalls and pass through the bus on the right. A thug will stand up as you get toward the front. Tess appears to know him, Malik, and he will let you pass. On other side of the bus and back on the street, head forward and then over to the left. Go past the first few stalls and then hang to the left against the container you see. In the puddle in front of the container, beyond the stalls you will find another artifact, “Drafting Notice”. Continue forward to the containers to the left of the chainlink fence. You will find another artifact, “Wanted Poster”. Grab it then turn around and head for Tess. She will start down the alleyway she is facing when you get close. She bribes a man to get the location of Robert, which appears to be the Wharf. Head on down the alley and then go through the fence to the left.

A cutscene runs with some of Robert's men facing off against Joel and Tess. They will not let them through and Joel and Tess are not about to back off. Tess ends the scene with a quick headshot against the lead thug. After that it is up to both Joel and Tess to take out the 2 remaining gunmen. Aim quickly for their heads when they move out of cover. Head over to the left to get closer while minimally exposing yourself.

When they are dead go on forward and through the tunnel. Go over to the left and to the wall by the gate. Hit “Triangle” to boost up Tess. Climb up when she offers her hand. After that head over to the right and down the stairs on the far side.

When you get to the bottom of the stairs duck down and go through the hole in the fence. A cutscene runs with the pair landing and taking cover. A pair of Robert's men are moving around. Tess will take out one and you just need to make for the building on the right. Once there go over to the doorway and listen to what Tess says. She will take one while you get the other. Aim for the one farther away just wait for the nearby Thug to turn their back on the doorway then crouch and move to the far side of the room. Move up behind him and hit “Triangle” when prompted to grab him then “Square” to strangle him. Now head through the window on the far side of the room with “X”. Now move up on the final man outside and take him down with a stranglehold. He goes down and drops the Warehouse Key. Loot his body to grab it. Once Joel has it he can move forward.