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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 3 – Chapter 2: The Quarantine Zone (Apartment to The Slums)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 3 – Chapter 2: The Quarantine Zone (Apartment to The Slums)

Head on down the stairs to the lower level of the apartment building. Follow Tess down and start forward. The stairs give way quickly, having Joel fall a short ways. Turn on your flashlight and head over to Tess. The two talk some about Robert having their guns and a fellow named “Bill” who seems to a supplier for goods for them. Follow Tess until she stops at the entrance to a hallway. She simply says “Spores” and the pair don their gas masks. Go down the hallway and through the doorway on the left.

Look to the right as you get into the room and you will see a hole in the wall. Crouch using “circle” then head through the hole. Just a little way down the corridor you will find a corpse on the right-hand side. Investigate it with “Triangle” then it is time to start moving forward but more carefully now as the corpse is fairly fresh. Go over to the right and interact with the board you find between the bookcases. Joel will move it out of the way so he and Tess can slip on through. The ceiling collapses some on him but everything is fine otherwise. After the debris settles down go on forward through the now-clear passage.

In the next room a trapped man begs Joel to help him. His mask broke and he was exposed to the Spores. He does not want to turn. You can either let him be and move on or pull out your handgun and quickly shoot him in the head. Look to the left of him now. You will find some handgun ammo that you can add to your stock.

Turn around and start on down the passage behind you. Go over to the right and crouch underneath the semi-boarded up doorway. Cross through it and a cutscene runs with Joel and Tess moving to the side of the hallway they are in after hearing something fall. Follow the prompt to use Listen Mode. This lets Joel “see” the Infected in the area. One stops nearby with his back to you. The other two are feasting on someone who was running from them.

Approach the one with his back to you. Follow the prompt to strangle the Infected and take them out. Now you have 2 more to deal with. Move in on them and beat them down with Melee attacks. Move in on each of them after the Infected are taken down to check for a ammo and supplies on the corpses. Be sure to also investigate the room to the right to potentially find more supplies you can use.

Now look for the stairs ahead of you, on the left-hand side of the room. Head up both and be sure to check the office to the left on the upper level for supplies. You will also find an Artifact on the table, “Note to Brother”. Grab it and read it if you would like. Be sure to also grab any supplies that are nearby. After that leave the office to the left using the planks in front of it. Drop on down from the hole in the wall to the park below. Continue to the left and through the fence there after wading through the water. Just follow Tess around the metro train car and toward the next building. She will pull back a pallet and clear the way forward.

Head on through the hole in the wall and into the building. Go over to the left and climb up the wall where Tess does (far left-hand side). The plank for the next part of the crossing fell down. Time for Joel to go get it. Head over to the left and take the ramp down. From there drop down to the ground below you. GO over to the right and grab the plank with “Triangle”. Head back to the ledge you dropped from and place the plank against the wall with the same button. Now Tess will pull the plank up then telling Joel to get up there. Head over to the right through the hole in the wall by climbing up to it. Go through the narrow passage and over to the right. Climb up to the ledge you were on earlier and cross the plank.