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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 67: For Temeria!

This will be the first quest that you will receive upon beginning Act 3 on Roche’s side of the game. Although Henselt’s words may have provoked Roche to kill him, they will still ring true. The beginning of a great war, or possibly even the new world order that he warned of, will be evident in the camps of Loc Muinne. The various countries of Temeria will have made up camp in the city of Loc Muinne, each in a different sector of the city. Tensions will be at an all-time high. Before you can see the city, though, you will have to get to it, as usual. You won’t start out in the city proper. You will have to make your way through a series of ravines and canyons to reach the heart of Loc Muinne, where all of the action is happening.

Luckily enough, Roche will lead you pretty much straight there. Follow him until you reach the entrance of Loc Muinne. Along the way, watch out for Harpies who will swoop down and attack you. At this point, the Harpies should not pose a huge threat to you, so feel free to deal with them as you see fit. Keep following Roche to ensure that you stay on the correct path. Along the way, check out the city from a great vantage point on the rise of the canyons. As you near the end of the path, Roche will point out the Knights of the Flaming Rose. These soldiers will be under the command of King Radovid, who rules the Redanian kingdom. In this area, a story beat from the first game will carry over. For those who didn’t play the first game or don’t remember it exactly, the gist of it is this: You and Radovid are not exactly the best of friends due to the events of the first Witcher, so you should do your best to avoid the Knights of the Flaming Rose. If you don’t you will actually end up in battle, as they will actively attack you when they see you.

You can still explore the camp freely, but try to be a bit sneaky about it. Loot the crates ahead to get a few materials for crafting. Despite your disagreement from before, Roche will suggest that you speak with Radovid to reconcile some of your prior disagreements. You may be able to gain him as an ally before the peace summit begins. You should definitely take Roche’s advice, as this will allow you to explore the city freely without worrying about the Knights of the Flaming Rose attacking you on sights. Seek out Radovid and talk with him to convince him to let you pass. He will run over to the guards and tell them the news. If you actually speak with the guards, though, they will reveal that they still basically wish they could kill you. You killed their master in the last game, so their grudge is perhaps a bit understandable. If Roche wasn’t there, they will say, things would have turned out much differently.

At this point, you will be free to explore the city. Act 3 will go by far faster than any of the other Acts in the game, so keep this in mind when pursuing side quests. You will have to complete the side quests pretty quickly if you want to complete them at all, so you had might as well get the quests and then complete them right away. In particular, be sure to get the Gargoyle Contract side quest and the Mystic River side quest. These quests, as well as the other side quests, will be covered in later guides.

When you are ready to proceed with the main story, head over to meet up with Roche. Together, you will head over to meet with Radovid again. You will have to go through the camp to find the King waiting for you on the other side. This conversation will reveal more information on the status of the peace summit. Radovid will tell you why he brought the Knights of the Flaming Rose along, as well as why Nilfgaard has been so prominent in the summit. At this point, you should tell Radovid that Sile is plotting with Letho. This will spark an idea in the King’s mind. He will come up with a plan. He will ask that you find Anais, a royal prisoner of the Kaedwenis currently being help in their camp by Dethmold. This will have been glimpsed briefly by Geralt in the beginning of the Act. Radovid will promise to shelter her and primp her to be a ruler. When she is ready, he will appoint her to her rightful position, and kill Sile for her traitorous actions. This will lead to a tough decision. You can either head with Roche to find Anais in the Kaedweni camp, or you can pursue your leads on Triss that will lead to the Nilfgaardian camp. If you choose one option, you will not be able to choose the other. Think carefully about which choice you would like to make, and refer to the appropriate guide ahead. The quests will be called Where Is Triss Merigold, and Of His Blood and Bone.