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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 20 – Chapter 4: Bill's Town (Lincoln: Rooftops to Warehouse)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 20 – Chapter 4: Bill's Town (Lincoln: Rooftops to Warehouse)

After getting onto the next rooftop you will want to head across it and drop down to the lower rooftop then head for the ladder leading to the ground. Head toward the trip wire you see ahead of you and duck underneath it to move forward. Time to do something slightly questionable. Head over to the left and toward the door with the pounding on it. Open it on up, go over to the right and head on up the stairs.

Inside the Apartment go forward into the Bed room first. You will find some Crafting Items on the bed. After that head to the left and into the Living Room/Dining Combo. You will be rushed by a Runner as you go in so be ready for it. It will come from the room beyond the Living Room so you have some warning.

When it is dead you can search the area. First go over to the wall that has “Rachel” written on it. Look at where the arrow is pointing to find another artifact: “Note To Rachel”. Grab it then search the Kitchenette and the Bathroom for Crafting Items and Supplements. With all that in hand go back down the stairs and get back into the alley you were in.

First head over to the gate that is just to the left of the apartment's entrance. You will find it with 2 Trip Wire traps. Pull out a bottle or brick if you have one, stand a good ways back and lob it at either of the traps. They will give off a great bang and the way forward is clear. Start on forward through the gateway in the fence that is now clear. Go around the next corner slowly. There is a low Trip Wire Trap at the entrance to the next alleyway. Once again, pull out your bottle or brick and lob it at the explosive to detonate it. After the dust settles go on forward. Head around the corner and into the entryway you find there. Search the desk for whatever you can find then head on through the door to the left of it.

Joel gets into the Warehouse and gets caught in a Snare that Bill set up with a fridge as a counterweight. Ellie will climb up onto the fridge and start working on cutting through the rope. You have to quickly fight your way through a number of Runners. They will advance either on Joel or Ellie after a time. Take them down as best you can. If they get to Joel he will fend them off then knock them back so you can quickly shoot them to finish them off. The real challenge is the Clicker. If it gets close to Joel then it will instantly kill him. You need to take him out quickly with a headshot or two else he will kill Joel and have you start over on this sequence. After that Ellie will knock over the fridge which pulls Joel higher but she can start cutting at the rope.

Time for the second part of the wave. This time the Infected will be focused on Ellie. You need to quickly kill them with head shots or 2 body shots to stop from from getting Ellie. Kill 4 more Runners and a Clicker and Joel will get back on the ground. This is where things go from bad to worse. The good news is after Joel finds off the Infected Bill appears. The worse news is you are vastly outnumbered. Time to start running very fast and the other way.