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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 30 – Chapter 5: Pittsburgh (Flooded Street)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 30 – Chapter 5: Pittsburgh (Flooded Street)

After dropping down from the stairs head on over to the left, toward the wall you just went over. Look around the dumpster by the van and you will find some Supplements for Joel. Now head over to the right and through the next alley toward the street again. First, head to the barrier and hop it. An in-game cutscene runs with Joel and Ellie ducking out of sight as they see 2 Hunters go into a hotel after pulling back their plank that acts as a bridge.

After the break turn around and search the planter behind you for Parts. Take a minute and Ellie will notice a poster and comment on it some. Talk with her to have a little conversation. Give her some time to walk around the area so she comments on some of the graffiti  in the area. She makes a circuit around the area then head back to the advertisement. At that point she will pull out the Joke Book again.

Head back to the cab that Joel took cover behind and look to the left. You will find a door with a Red “X” on it behind the delivery truck. This is a Shiv Door so if you have one (or can make one) then open it up for more supplies and ammo. Also, just inside on the pink chair is an artifact: “Mother's Letter”. Head into the room to the right of it to find most of the stuff. In the main room you will find some arrows but not too much else. Loot the Shiv Room then head back to the street.

Go to the left from the Shiv Door and head into the water. Joel cannot make the jump but Ellie tells him that if he can get her up there she can move the plank. Head into the water and go to the far end of this pond. You will find a floating pallet there. Dive underneath it to find some Parts. Grab them then grab the pallet and bring it over to Ellie. After that just turn around and plant it next to the truck with the plank. Ellie will move the plank into position after that.

Get out the water and head into the cafe opposite the truck you just got Ellie to via the open the trailer just to your left. Go to the back right part of the area, where you see the stairs. Take them up to the next level above the water. Head forward and over to the right to check the bookshelves there. You will find Crafting Items and potentially some Supplements as well. Go over to the dress on the right from the shelves to find an artifact: “Stash Note”. This reveals the importance of the door marked with the Red “X”. To the left of the note is a Shiv on the “Easy” or “Normal” difficulty. Now head back downstairs and go over to the right, toward the counter. Ellie and Joel will talk some about Coffee shops there. Use this time to go behind the counter and loot the various Crafting Items to be found back there. With all that stuff in hand go over to the plank that leads to Ellie over to the right. Climb on up and start across the pond. This leads right to the Hotel Grand.