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Deadpool Walkthrough Part 2 – Job One (GWN Building)

Deadpool Walkthrough Part 2 – Job One (GWN Building)

Head on forward to encounter the first 2 chumps. Take them down then go over to the right, up the short set of stairs. Deadpool will find 4 more chumps to deal with. Deal with them and 5 more Chumps will show. Take them down and listen to the voices to learn more about what Deadpool is even doing there. Time to go and kill Chance White who is a media mogul with Mafia ties: classic easy to hate villian. Head into the center of the area and more Chumps will be coming at you. Just start wiping the floor with them using your katanas and guns. Around this time you will unlock 3 more upgrades for the Beauroyre Blades Kill a few more and you will unlock the final of the greedy upgrades.

Go over to the back left to find the passage toward the elevator lobby. Start on down it, deal with the Chump who rushes DP alone then go around the corner. Get into the next room and at least 6 more Minions will rush you. Kill them off and press on toward the back of this room. This will get you to the elevator lobby. Approach the elevators (and grab the DP Points at each end of the lobby) and they will all get closed off. Head back to the front of the room and look to the right. You will a Red Box you can shoot: aim and pop it on. Head back through the passage to the previous lobby. Kill off a few of the Minions here and you will likely unlock the Greedy Upgrade for the DT 1981s. Shoot the rest of the gunmen down and then head for the back left part of the room. This will lead you right to the Maintenance room. Start on down the hallway and follow it on down to the entrance of the stair well. You will see one of the minions run out, see Deadpool then immediately run right back down the stairs. Follow him down the stairs and enjoy the theme music while you do that.

At the bottom go to the left and into the generator room. If you need grenades then go into the small room across from the stairs. Head on down the hallway after that and shoot down the guy ahead to the right. Head into the back room to grab some goods then go out and over to the right of the generators. Head into the room there and go over to the highlighted console. Interact with it to fiddle with the power. After a few moments of blackness, the emergency power comes on. Time to make for the elevators.

Head back to the start of the generator room. Deadpool gets surrounded by minions and you are prompted to use a Momentum Attack. He will instantly take out all of the enemies around him. Gaining Momentum is formally explained than Wade should head on up the stairs to the main level again.

Go over to the left and 2 chumps with cattle prods will show. These fellows can block. To break their guard lead with a Heavy Attack. Kill them and head on through to the lobby again. Once again you are in a gun fight. This time it is explained how to switch the shoulder you are looking over. Use this, a little cover, a lots of bullets to kill off the soldiers.

Head to the back left and through the hallway to make it back to the elevator lobby. A variety of soldiers await this time. Some will shoot, some will charge and some can block. Deal with them in turn and make your over to the right-side wing of the elevator lobby. Kill of any remaining Soldiers and head on into the elevator to get to the penthouse.