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Deadpool Walkthrough Part 3 – Job One (GWN Building: Elevators to Building Exterior)

Deadpool Walkthrough Part 3 – Job One (GWN Building: Elevators to Building Exterior)

Head on up in the elevator and try not to hemorrhage from his singing. When the elevator stops, give Deadpool a minute then shoot out the middle pane of the glass elevator. Jump on out and head over to the left. Grab the DP at the far left end then Double-Jump up to the level above. Head to the middle of the area, where you see the green lit elevator shaft and Double-Jump up to the ledge above. Go over to the left, collect DP Points and then start wall jumping upwards.

Once Deadpool makes it up to the upper level head over to the right and shoot out the middle pane of the glass elevator. Interact with the door then hold the prompted button to get inside. Head over to the left then turn down the hallway to the right and head over to the reception area. There more Soldiers, some with prods, will attack. Take them down quickly then head on past the reception desk. Head over to the left to make it into the TV Studio itself. You have quite a few Soldiers to deal with. The ones with the Prods will rush Deadpool so quickly take them out with combos then pull out DT 1981s and start shooting at the ones who are at a distance. Move into the back of the TV studio to find the last of the Soldiers. Take them down, deal with the stragglers who appear after that.

Now the Soldiers drop some Smoke Bombs into the area to deal with Deadpool. The smart Voice warns about soldiers coming down from the Catwalks. Kill off most of them and you will get more Upgrades for the DT 1981s. Take out the soldiers quickly and head into the area behind the Talk Show scenery. You will find some more DP Points. Grab them then head for the control booth behind the News. Go into the back of it and through the door there.

Make for the final room before the next hallway and more soldiers will come at you. Chance White is threatening his men now. Take down the few that come after you and keep on going forward. Get to the end of the hall and go to the left then turn in and head into meeting area. Deal with the soldiers as you weave your way through this area. Go over to the left into the back portion, cut on through and take the next door on the right.  Go down to the end of the room and turn to the left toward the GWN sign that you see there. Head down the short set of stairs to the left.

Lots of fellows start coming at Deadpool now. You need to mix up aimed shots with quick shots and lots of slicing. Fight your way over to the right, up the stairs (or just jump over the couches to the level above) and start for left. Deal with the soldiers that appear and press on toward the room with the glass windows there. Head in and go through the open door in the corner.

Head over to the left and down the blue-lit hallway in front of you. Head into the meeting room at the end of it and take out the few Soldiers that launch an attack here. Check the corners nearby the door for ammo and DP Points. Collect the goods then go through the window that the soldiers broke through.

Back outside again, in the rain, again. Turn to the left and jump over to the scaffolding. Throw the switch to send it on upward. This will get you over to the next platform. Jump over to it and 2 Soldiers will break the window across from Deadpool and start firing on him. Take them out then jump into that room. Search around for ammo and DP Points then head back to the platform. Throw the switch on this one to keep going up. Jump over to the right from this platform and interact with the next one to keep on going up. When it gets to the top of its track the back end will break some and 2 soldiers will jump out of the window to the left and attack Deadpool. Kill them then search the room they came from for more DP Points. Climb back outside and hop over to the next platform ahead. Once again send it on upwards to continue. Jump over to the rooftop and then start over to the left.