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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 43 – Chapter 6: The Suburbs (Sewers: The Old Camp to Outdoors)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 43 – Chapter 6: The Suburbs (Sewers: The Old Camp to Outdoors)

Time to start working on a way through this Infected Camp. Head on over to the right carefully. Move toward the corner ahead and wait. There is a good chance that the 2 Clickers will simply advance and charge you. Gun them down with Shorty or the Shotgun. It is very possible to just stay in the front of the area and let the Stalkers and Clickers come to you. It takes time and good use of Listen Mode to track the incoming Infected but it is worth the effort for the minimal risk it poses.

Head over to the left from the common area after the Infected are dealt. You will find a small dining area in that direction. Search around it for Crafting Items and Parts. Go to the right after that to find some more Crafting Items. Continue over to the right and look for the pillar in the back portion of the room. This pillar has a living area in it. Hop up there and look around for Crafting Items and Supplements for Joel and a potential Shiv. Leave that and go up the nearby stairs. Break off to the right and search the bunk room. In one corner you will find a Melee Modified Weapon. Search around to potentially find some ammo. Leave this room and go down the corridor on the right.

This will lead into a room with numerous Coolers and piping leading down from the top. Search for the classroom/nursery and look on the first bookshelf from the white board. You will find an artifact: “Kid's Drawing”. Head to the back of this room and you will find a raised Platform Joel can boost Sam up to. Move up to it and do so and he will lower the nearby ladder down for Joel. Head on up it and go on down the stairs beyond it. Here you will reunite with Henry and Ellie.

There is a problem though, numerous Infected are chasing them. For now this means run. Get on through the next double-doors and run over to the gate that Henry is trying to open. Mash “Square” to aid in the process. Sam will crawl through a grate and pull out the pipe blocking the way. If you do not have a melee weapon, then grab this one. Keep running after that up the stairs ahead of you.

Run on up the stairs and climb up onto the collapsed walkway that overlaps it. Drop off the other side and make for the room ahead of you. Grab whatever weaponry you can and get ready. It really helps to lob a Nail Bomb out the door the group passed through and one toward the second doorway to the right. Now you need to deal with a horde of Infected: Runners and Clickers. Engage the Runners in melee as much as possible. If it goes overwhelming then use either Shorty or the Shotgun to clear some of the grouping away. Just keep at it until you hear the kids say “We got it”. At that point immediately abandon the fight and run for the door they went through.

The group is outside now and in better shape than they were a moment ago. Head over to the nearby van and search it for Parts. After that follow Henry and Sam down the hill in front of you. The radio tower is in view now, the group just has to make it through the town to reach it.