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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 44 – Chapter 6: The Suburbs (Suburbs)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 44 – Chapter 6: The Suburbs (Suburbs)

Head along the sidewalk to the left with the rest of the group. If you can trigger 4 conversations then Ellie will pull out her Joke Book one last time. Look for a brick house on the right. It is only a short way down the sidewalk. Go inside and you will find Parts and Crafting Items in the living room. Check the kitchen next, to the right, for Supplements. Next head on upstairs. Go over to the far room then work your way back to the stairs: search of the 3 rooms in turn. You will find Parts, Crafting Items and Ammo. In the bedroom to the left of the stairs look on the dresser by the mattress. You will find an artifact: “Looting Note”. After that head down into the basement, grab what Crafting Items you can find then return to the street.

Head to the turn in the street and look at the house with “Trespassers will be shot on sight”. Talk with Henry about that and the kids will join in some after. Get around the corner then go up the back stairs into the next on the right. This is the house right next door to the brick one you were in. Head into the Kitchen and Henry will talk about when the Infection started. Head back to the bottom of the street and look for an open garage next. First through, approach the Ice Cream Truck that sits right across from the garage. Talk with Ellie after Sam talks a little about the Ice Cream Truck.

Inside the garage you will find a Work Bench. Hit it up and upgrade whichever of your weapons needs it. After that go into the brick house next door. First, go over to the right and look on the coffee table for Crafting Items. Next go up the stairs to the left. At the top go into the room on the left and search around. Check the desk drawer then look at the TV on the opposite side of the room. To the right of it you will find an artifact: “Father's Note”. Grab that then head back into the hallway. Interact with the pull-string to attempt to get up to the attic. The ladder comes crashing down. Ellie will offer to climb up though so boost her up there. Wait for her to return and she will give you a Melee Upgrade Training Manual 2. Go downstairs after that and head over to the left into the kitchen. Head out the back door from there and go over to the right.

Head into the house over to the right through its back door. Grab the Parts off the table just inside the door then head over to the right and deeper into the house. Ignore the stairs for now and go into the living room ahead on the left, just next to the front door. Look in the drawer below the TV to find some Supplements. Give the kids a chance and they will play a quick game of darts in this room. After that head on up the stairs to the second level.

On the second level of this house Head into the first bedroom you see. Go over to the computer you see in the corner. Look next to it to find an artifact: “Survivor's Note”. Move into the bathroom that is next to the computer and look on the toilet. You will find a Comic on it. Head back into the hallway and go up the next set of stairs. Ignore the last room on this level as it has a Safe in it but you do not have the combination just yet. At the top of the stairs on the third level, look on the desk by the stairs. You will find an artifact: “Matchbox”. This will give you the combination for the Safe. Be sure to check around this loft as well to find some Crafting Items. After that head down the stairs and into the room to the right of their base. Go over to the Safe and open it. You will find lots of supplies inside: Ammo, Supplements, and Parts. Now head on out the front door. Turn to the left and get into the side yard. Grab the brick sitting in front of the play house and move over to the left of the tree. Look up into it and you will spot a Firefly Pendant hanging from one of the branches close to the center. Lob the brick at it and then collect it when it lands. After that head back to the street and go around the corner. Just below that is a Firefly logo. Look at it and the group will have a conversation. After that Ellie pulls out the Joke book again and reads a few from it. Sam actually throws out one as well. With all that done head on through the back door into the backyard of that last house go over to the stairs and drop down.