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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 45 – Chapter 6: The Suburbs (Suburbs: Sniper)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 45 – Chapter 6: The Suburbs (Suburbs: Sniper)

If Joel is at least than one third health, use a medkit immediately. The sniper is very accurate and can kill Joel in 3 hits or less, depending on the difficulty. From the starting point sprint over to the right and take cover behind the next car to the right. Make your way into the house on the right-hand side of the street and jump in through the window. Slow down here because there is an Armored Hunter just inside the kitchen. Just after Joel enters the house this Hunter will rush him with a shotgun. Take down the Hunter then go upstairs. Look in the bedroom up there to find more Crafting Items. With that done head back downstairs and go over to the right and into the kitchen. Look around in there for some Healing items and some Crafting Items. Head on out the back door. Quickly get off the deck and take cover behind the pile of logs or the wall to the right.

From the log pile or the wall you will need to make your way into the next house. Advance to the fence nearby the next house and move over to the left. Go around the bend and into the second house after the Sniper fires a round off. Rush into the house and have a Smoke Bomb ready. Inside this house you have several Hunters to deal with. 2 will come from the back with the remaining 4 coming in from both the front and back. Lob the Smoke Bomb at the first Hunter, take him down with a grab then head for the stairs and run up them. Lob a Nail Bomb down at the base of the stairs and wait for the next Hunter to trigger that. Follow that up with some quick gunnery to deal with any survivors. Head into the room on the left to find some Crafting Items then head back to the first level of the house. Go on out the backdoor and into the third house on the block. This one is a duplex. Head in through the back door that connects it to the previous houses' yard. Head into the kitchen and living room to find Crafting Items. Head on upstairs to find some Supplements in the first room beyond the stairs. There is sometimes an Armored Hunter in here so be wary of him.

Now you can make for the house the Sniper is in but it is a good idea to head across to the other side of the street and loot what you can from those houses. Make your way across between the gun shots using the cars and assorted cover. Search the house for some Crafting Items. Move from there into the burned out building that is next door. Check it over for a Craft Item or two then move onto the final one. There are usually some Hunters by the front of the building the Sniper is in. Use Listen Mode, Nail Bombs and Molotovs to quickly kill off the various Hunters in front. Once you have killed off the Hunters lob a Smoke Bomb, if you have one, in the road between the burned out building and the one the Sniper is in. Use the smoke as cover to avoid getting spotted and dash into the final building.

Once inside drop to a crouch and move through the doorway in the back of the room with the bead strings. Loot the kitchen then head out the back door and go over to the right. Head into the next house and into the back room. There you will find more Craft Items and Parts. Finally head back into the house with the sniper and start on your way up. There is nothing on the second floor, but give it a quick sweep because there can be. After that move up to the third floor. Just head on through the doorway in front of the stairs and go over to the left. Make your way over to the room with the Sniper. He is not at the gun. Move into the room and he ambushes Joel. Mash “square to fend him off and kill him. At this point the rest of the group starts toward the house. Joel runs over to the Sniper Rifle. This gun always gives a one-shot kill. You can zoom in more by hitting “X”. This is helpful for the major threats.

Time for some sniping. The objective is simple: keep the Hunters away from Henry and the kids. Pick them off from behind them and from the side. The first major threat is the Truck. Pick off the man lobbing the Molotovs. You have 4 chances to get him before game over. The second threat is a rush of Infected. Pick them off Henry and Sam, pick off what Infected you can and then the chapter comes to an end.