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Deadpool Walkthrough Part 27 – Front Gates Of EEEEEEEVIL! (Entry Hall to The Marauders)

Deadpool Walkthrough Part 27 – Front Gates Of EEEEEEEVIL! (Entry Hall to The Marauders)

Head forward and over to the left to make it back to ground level and trigger the next wave of the clones. You have 2 White Marauders coming at you form the stairs and just after that you have a lot of the typical melee clones but also Gambit Clones that will go exploding on you, given the chance. With one of the Gatling Guns, head on up the stairs toward the large double-doors. This will let you have an easier time of just gunning down the clones before they can get close enough to explode. Not too many come from the top of the stairs in this round. Use this to herd them all at you in a more orderly fashion.

There are a lot of different enemies in this round for you to deal with. After all the Gambit Clones you will find mostly the Clawed Melee Clones and the Blade Clones. Kill them with as massive a combo as you can for high bonuses. This massive wave is just a prelude to what is coming next.

When you get through the horde of clones there is a cutscene with Deadpool spraypainting a Red “X” on the ground for some reason. Just after that you will see Blockbuster, Arclight and Vertigo appear and you have to fight them all over again. The good news is vertigo is just making the screen wavery with her power. You are up against Arclight and Blockbuster first with Vertigo giving support from above.

It only takes a few rounds shot at Vertigo to get her to stop her effect. This makes the screen less colorful and makes keeping track of Arclight and Blockbuster easier. Move to a corner, line up some shots and shoot at Vertigo to get her to stop.

Start into after that Arclight as she is the most vulnerable and Blockbuster takes more effort just to damage. Target her with your guns and start shooting fast and hard. She has her arc wave, slam attack and ground pound. She will explode into a beautiful shower of DP Points. The hard part is she has the help of Vertigo and Blockbuster to augment her ability to attack Deadpool. Still, she is the easiest one to take down.

Once Arclight goes down she is replaced by the Tornado Fellow. Take him out quickly as well. Go for headshots as much as possible. He acts just like his clones do, throwing around crystals and spinning in a tornado to reflect bullets back to you. This is not too easy with Blockbuster running around but it is easier than if it were Arclight.

Blockbuster remains unchanged. You need to wait for him to charge you and then dodge his attack to get him vulnerable. Remember to avoid his melee combo to dodge his animation slam attack. Just start and keep firing to deal with him once you stun him from one of his charges. This is especially easy if you have dealt with Vertigo. If you have not shot her yet, this is easiest time to get a clear shot at her.