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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 59 – Chapter 9: Lakeside Resort (Defend Against The Infected: Plant)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 59 – Chapter 9: Lakeside Resort (Defend Against The Infected: Plant)

Take the ladder up. At the top of it you will see a Clicker that David will likely shoot for you. Go forward and look to the right. Ellie and David will get to a dead end with a ladder above them. Go over to the end of the walkway that is against the right-hand side wall and ask David for a boost up. He will get Ellie to the walkway. Head on forward after that.

Keep to the left and circle around the outside of the wall and make for the far side of the plant you are in. Drop into a crouch where you see the brick then set off ahead. There is a Clicker in front of you that you should take out quietly. If it spots you then throw the brick at it and stab it. Head into the room to the left of where the Clicker was. Just inside, on the crate to your left is a Firefly Pendant. From there just go around until you find the ladder you can lower down to David.

David will move it over to the walkway above and Ellie needs to drop down and follow him up the ladder. Go over to the right and through the door that he has opened. Run on down the hallway and into the room on the far side. Look in the drawer on the left to find more ammo if needed. Head up the stairs, look in the cabinet on the left for Crafting Item, then go to the right after that and use the Conversation Option that appears. Grab the Nail Bombs and Molotovs there are well. After that, take some time to make a full stock of them. After that look over to the right and on the desk there. You will find more Arrows there you can use, if you are getting low on them.

David will look around and see that there is no other way out then the one you came through. Take some time to lob some Nail Bombs down the passage. When you hear David say “Get ready” then expect the bombs to go off. Time to hold your ground and deal with the Infected coming after you. During this fight, any time an Infected grabs David, Ellie can get a one-hit kill on them.

The first wave of Infected all come from the hallway. Just a Nail Bomb will go a long way to thin the herd if you are rushed here. Otherwise just stand your ground and aim carefully for quick kills.

The second wave is announced when Ellie hears them on the roof. Lob a Nail bomb down the hallway to give you some warning. Head to the left-hand staircase leading to the upper level of this area. A few will come through there while more come from the hallway. The Nail Bomb should thin out the ones rushing from the hallway. After that start looking at all the windows along the top of the room. The Infected will be trying to get through them. Use the vulnerable time given as they worm their way in to shoot them in the head.

There is a nice break between the second and third wave where David tells Ellie “we're doing fine kid”. Use this time to restock on Molotovs and Nail Bombs as needed. Lob something down the hallway then head onto the upper level. Deal with the Runners and Clickers that come through the windows. This wave is a lot harder because of those Clickers. Just after them a Bloater and more Runners will appear.

Immediately lob a Molotov at the Bloater to start weakening it. You do not want it to get close to you. Next, lob a Nail Bomb at the base of the stairs it is heading toward. With some luck it will also get some Runners as well as doing more damage to the big guy. 1 more Molotov should take care of it. After that just polish off the Runners and you are in the clear. Take a little time to double check the area for supplies then join David in the Walkway. Talk with him to finish this part up. Some awkward conversation and Ellie heads back to her Hideout with Joel.