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Skyrim Sidelines- Dushnikh Yal

Dushnikh Yal is one of the famous Orsimer forts, located in the far Southwest reaches of Skyrim.  This fort is relatively small, containing less than ten orcs, but it is also stable and a decent place to stop to pick up or sell some weapons, armor, and potions.  In the upper parts of the fort you can find an Orichalcum mine, the other uphill portion contains a smithy complete with smelter, and near the longhouse of the chieftain is the Wise Woman's hut, where you can use her skinning rack or alchemy table.

The orcs here are relatively friendly, not taking any active interest in you other than some sparse comments about who you should go to if you want arms, armor, or poisons.  There are also a few other points of note here.

The chief here, Burghuk, has two things worthy of note to offer you- he is a Master-level One-Handed Weapon trainer, and he is willing to put up 100 septims to your own bet that he can beat you in a fistfight.  While durable, Burghuk suffers the same problem as most fistfighters- he just can't do much damage on any one swing.

Thankfully, beating him in a dust-up doesn't bother him or the other orcs here at all, so go ahead and make a little money.

Ghorbash the Iron Hand can be found here, an orc who returned not to the usual options of death or expulsion from the fort, but instead welcomed by his brother Burghuk as a fellow warrior and member of the fort's tribe.  The elder orc does miss the adventures he had outside of the fort though.  After talking to him a bit you can try to persuade him that following you would give him an opportunity for more adventure- he refuses on the basis that his place is here.

You can attempt to persuade him by pointing out his contradictory reasoning, offer him money, or (if you're foolish or exceedingly brave) attempt to threaten him.  Should you succeed in whichever attempt, he will agree that he may follow you, and you can talk to him again at any time to make him your follower for a while.  Ghorbash is a surprisingly adept sneak, skilled with archery and agile combat between shield and light armor.  This makes him a good melee support choice for a thievery or sniping focused character, who will generally find their options rather restricted for followers who can sneak along with them.

Finally, the Forge-Wife of the clan, Gharol, has a sword that she wants delivered to her daughter Lash, who left the fort a time ago to wander the world.  Lash can be found in Karthwasten, working for Ainethatch in the mines there.  Give her the sword and she'll return the favor with a small pile of coinage