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Skyrim Sidelines- Bloodlet Throne: Wolf's Den

Ascend the first ramp up from the dining table and you will find a locked cage- opening it will let you take the deathbell that is lying in the puddle of blood.  Also on this platform are a cart full of bones, a woodcutter's axe and, oddly, an enchanter's table.

Going up another level will get you a coinpurse from under some bones and a goat hide, as well as entrance to an icy tunnel.  The tunnel will lead you to a wood-floored chamber with an alchemist's table, as well as a potion and a small group of books.  The howling has gotten even clearer here, as well.

The room proceeding explains this- a wolf is meandering around the area, in and out of its cage.  While this is bad enough, as the creature is much more adept at locating you than anything else nearby, slaying it attracts the attention of the two vampires nearby and their thralls.  While most of the thralls are thankfully linked to the weaker of the two, the other is a Mistwalker, and particularly durable.  The Mistwalker is also capable of reanimating her dead companion to attack you as well- not the best of times.  Count yourself exceedingly lucky if you don't have a Sanguinis infection by the end of this fight.

With the vampires dead, toss the room.  The first bed by the cage has not only a treasure chest at its foot but also a couple of ingredients on the shelf behind it.  The table by the wall to the right holds a coin purse, a pair of high-potency potions, and scrolls of both Calm and Fear.  The tall shelf off to the right of that has a large array of books and a soul gem, as well as some leather strips.

From there, enter the room with the barred doors- here you can find a book for Illusion, another coin purse, a pair of scrolls, a soul gem, a likely enchanted weapon, a couple of poisons and yet another high-potency potion.

There is also a chest here, though being an unlocked one it is unlikely to have much of value.

Head up the frozen passage from here and you'll reach a chamber with a waterfall, where another fledgling paces.  As she's alone, there's little danger, so you can probably handle her with ease.  The exit here leads to the wooden bridge over the previous large cavern, and crossing it brings you to yet another icy tunnel.