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League of Legends: How to Activate Items

Activation items are the most powerful and often the most forgotten items in the game.  They require more skill and timing to make sure you get them activated at the right time.

Activated items also require you to have more hotkeys mapped and in places on the keyboard that are easy to use. You don’t want to waste precious time having to reach out of your way to access these items after all.

I personally recommend placing your activated items on the six inventory slots (mapped to keys 1 through 6), and put your most used activation items on slots 1 through 3 since they are right above the most often used skill keys (Q, W, E, and R). This way, to reach your activated items, you just need to reach up one row on the keyboard.

The keys you use for these slots can be adjusted in the key bindings section of the options as well if you would rather bind them to different keys.

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