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12 signs youre obsessed with Starcraft II

12 signs you’re obsessed with Starcraft II

By Jeann Wong

The Starcraft universe is known for being extensive, immersive, and incredibly addictive. With the alien races Protoss and Zerg to the hero characters of Jim Raynor and the Queen of Blades, have you convinced yourself that they are alive? Read on for the signs that you’re obsessed with Starcraft II.

Zeratul1. You greet people with “En Taro Adun.”

If they know what you are talking about, it’s a bonus! The Protoss saying is used as a greeting to honour the great warrior Adun, who saved the dark templars from the conclave.


2. You look in your empty wallet and say “Mineral field exhausted.”

Minerals are the currency of the Starcraft universe. They are used to purchase more units, vehicle upgrades, and property. You usually gain more minerals by harvesting them, or in this case, working.

Seige tanks3. You always park on top of a hill to get the high ground.

Taking the higher ground is a common tactic in Starcraft II to ensure you can see your enemies coming from far away. Seige tanks (or your car) will be able to defend your base better on a hill.

4. You have a crystal in your room and claim that you can see the visions of Zeratul.

In Starcraft II, the dark templar Zeratul visits you with visions of the future. You use the crystal that he gives you to foresee the end of the world as we know it. It’s not a mental disorder if it works for Jim Raynor!

5. You call your house a command centre.

As a trusty marine, you always return to your house with your allies after a hard day at the battlefield to get some rest. Work and study is so exhausting! If only your house could lift off as well, in case the zerglings come rushing in.

Battlenet6. When you meet someone new, you ask for their Battlenet ID.

This is your way of meeting new people and making friends, for a Battlenet account can tell a lot about them. You can see how much they’ve played Starcraft II, their skill level, and how useful they will be as an ally. Who knows, they might become your new LAN friend!

7. You head to your desk at work and say “SCV, good to go sir.”

An SCV is a staple unit for Terrans. They can do a variety of things, from harvesting minerals (work), build structures (building), and repair damaged buildings and units (first aid). They are very helpful in defense and front lines, or in other words, making profits.

8. You voted for Raynor’s Raiders at the last election.

Who else is better suited to the role of Australian Prime Minister than our very own Jim Raynor? It’s definitely not Emperor Mengsk with his shady motives of personal power. Labour and Liberal don’t even compare.

9. When someone farts, you try and harvest it for vespene gas.

Vespene gas are harvested from geysers so that advanced units and buildings can be built. Luckily, your source of gas in real life are farts – which is basically the same thing right?

queen of blades10. You think Predator is actually the Queen of Blades.

The similarities between them are eerie: the dreadlock hair, the alien origins, villain tendencies, and even the use of the blades on their body as a weapon. Before Sarah Kerrigan became the Queen of Blades, she was equipped with a personal cloaking device as a Ghost unit. Predator also uses a cloaking device to infuse terror within soldiers.

Marines11. You only travel with large groups of people.

Large groups of units are usually the best way to defend against enemy attacks. You’re the safest when you travel in a pack. You would never send a soldier out on their own in Starcraft II so why change that now?

e-games12. You are training to enter a Korean Starcraft II tournament.

It’s well known that Starcraft tournaments are an e-sport in Korea. Professional gamers are labelled as sex symbols and earn thousands of dollars for their leet mousing skills. Too bad you’re not Korean...