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Bel's Blog Bonanza - No Fly Zones and F2P .
Hey folks and welcome to Bel’s Blog Bonanza, a bi-weekly feature here on MMOGames where I attempt to highlight some of the more interesting topics currently cycling through the gaming blogosphere. One of my favorite aspects of writing about games, is the interactions I have with other blogge
Beta Data: May 29, 2015 .
Holiday weekends may mean a quiet week to follow, but that’s not to say that nothing happened this week! The biggest news this past week has to have been WildStar’s announcement that the game will be switching to a free to play business model in the Fall. While this isn’t Beta news in itself
The Tyrian Chronicle: Hands-On With Heart of Thorns .
This week myself and two others from MMOGames got the opportunity to take part in the Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns beta. This was for all of us our first chance to see and touch the expansion for ourselves. Unfortunately with timezones being what they are we went in to it knowing we would on
The Final Frontier: Learning from the Best, Agony Unleashed .
Combat in EVE Online is easily the most difficult aspect of the game for any player. A good portion of activities in EVE Online are inherently laid back, but combat—specifically small gang player versus player combat—is as immediate and threatening as a hammer to the face. It’s unsurpr
MOBA Monday: Consoles and MOBAs .
Way back in the day when I was still playing some of the first-generation MOBAs, such as DOTA and Demigod, I never expected the genre would ever come to a console. First off, they were just mini-games at the time. Most were mods of existing games and League of Legends was just getting starte
Heroes of the Storm Launch Party .
It’s a GIANT LOGO on that wall! I was lucky enough yesterday evening to attend the Launch Party of the much anticipated latest release from Blizzard Entertainment, Heroes of the Storm. Anyone playing League of Legends will know how this whole MOBA thing works, yet Heroes turns the idea
Eorzean Evening Post: Pre-Heavensward Bucket List .
At this point we have seventeen days until the launch of Heavensward, and all throughout the Final Fantasy XIV community players are in various states of preparedness for what will ultimately be a significant change in their world. I personally have planned to take a few days off from work s
WoW Wednesday: How do you solve a Problem like Warcraft? .
No Skool like the Old Skool. Or something ^^ Depending on who you speak to, Warcraft currently is still Best MMO EU or in a state of utter desolation. Never at any point in the game’s ten year plus lifespan has there been so much mumbling and muttering about what once was the title eve
WildStar: One Year Later .
It’s been nearly a year since the launch of Carbine’s action-based MMORPG, WildStar, and things have definitely looked better. This was probably the game I was most excited for in 2014, and although it had a great start it left a lot to be desired. One of the biggest selling points for the g
Listed: 5 Reasons You Should Give The Elder Scrolls Online a Second Glance .
Fifty years from now, when our grandkids clamber up onto our laps and look at us with big doe eyes and say, “Tell me about the history of MMORPGs.” We’ll have to look those young, naive children in the eye and lie about what a sad year 2014 was. It wasn’t terrible, bu
Versus: Is Blizzard Cocky or Confident? .
Normally in Versus I take a look at two different games within a similar genre or two major concepts in MMOs. This week, however, is going to be a bit different as we look into two different sides of a very important company for MMOs. Is Blizzard Entertainment too cocky for its own good or i
Beta Data: June 5, 2015 .
The first week of June has seen a slew of various game launches and launch date announcements, the big one being Heroes of the Storm finally leaving Beta for a grand launch following a successful launch party in London. Exploration focused MMORPG Wander also launched on to Steam just yesterd
Steam Greenlight: The Game has Changed .
The Game Has Changed This morning when we got the news that Allods Online was now on the Steam Greenlight website, I have to admit all I could really muster was a frustrated sigh and a healthy roll of my eyes. Over the last several months it seems like a number of aging or end of life mass
The Final Frontier: A Guide to Margin Trading For Newbies Part 2 .
Making money in EVE Online can be quite tough, especially when you’re like me and you get a real kick out of blowing stuff up. Recouping losses is inevitable, and it has given rise to a mentality in the community that isn’t unlike the same one shared by the average working person
Eorzean Evening Post: Reflections Before Heavensward .
At the time of writing this post we have eleven days until the head start. As a whole it seems like the player base is taking a much needed break from the game before preparing to push our way to sixty. As a result all of the player hubs are a little bit thinner than they normally are. On
WoW Wednesday: What's Really Wrong With World of Warcraft .
Sorry to disappoint you ^^ This week, I had fully intended to present a searing treatise on what exactly is wrong with Warcraft and how in my infinite wisdom as a decade-long player of said game I would go about fixing it. Except, about six hundred words in, I came to a conclusion so stagger
5 Things We Would Change in MMORPGs .
There was a time when MMORPGs were exciting and magical. Truth be told, many still are. But for every truly inspired MMO, there are dozens of clones and ripoffs that only look to suck people in with the minimum effort required for maximum profit. It’s a bit of a shame, really, to see s
The Tyrian Chronicle: Changes Coming to Guild Wars 2 .
Changes are coming to Guild Wars 2. Yesterday we heard about the Lion’s Arch grand opening and Core Specializations, and following that ArenaNet released a couple of blogs talking about combat changes coming with the new specializations and how they will be streamlining the Wallet. This is n
Beta Data: June 12, 2015 .
While it may have seemed a little on the quiet side this week, that in no way means it has been a boring week for Beta news. We’ve seen Daybreak announce that – at last – they have shifted development focus over from Landmark to EverQuest Next now that Landmark has undergone its
FAQ: Your Dream MMO Reveal at E3 .
Every week we try to sit down and discuss hotly debated topics, ask silly questions, and answer questions we hear a lot while gaming in FAQ. This week is the last quiet before the storm of E3 descends upon us all. There have been great occasions at E3. There have been disasters. There has be
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