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Bel's Blog Bonanza - Blizzard's Flying Backpedal .
Hey folks and welcome to Bel’s Blog Bonanza, a bi-weekly feature here on MMOGames where I attempt to highlight some of the more interesting topics currently cycling through the gaming blogosphere. One of my favorite aspects of writing about games, is the interactions I have with other blogge
E3 2015: Watch EA's E3 2015 Press Conference Here .
We’ve teamed up with EA to bring you the Press Conference from E3 live! The show gets started at 1:00pm PT/4:00 pm ET/9:00pm GMT. We already know which single player games we can look forward to, including; NBA Live 16, NHL 16, Madden NFL 16, FIFA 16 (Anyone else sensing a pattern here
Should We Be Excited For E3? .
There was a time when business was concluded with a firm handshake. It was a different time, before cell phones, the internet, and live streaming. It was a time that made shoving tens of thousands of people into a conference hall make sense; where a millionaire executive could take the stage
E3 2015: Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Developer Interview
Having the opportunity to sit down with the development team responsible for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns has honestly renewed my faith in the franchise. As a huge fan of the original game, I was initially excited for the release of Guild Wars 2. Unfortunately, as I progressed through Guild
MMOGames' E3 2015 Coverage .
E3 is upon us! With so much news coming from the convention over the next week or two it’ll be hard to keep up with all of it. That’s why we’re putting links here to all of our coverage of E3. It begins with announcements from before the event even starts and will keep gett
E3 2015: Shroud of the Avatar with Richard Garriott and Starr Long .
I won’t lie: I haven’t actually played Shroud of the Avatar. Oh, I’ve heard about it, and I’ve read quite a few updates, but somehow, I keep forgetting it’s still around in development. When I was told I’d be doing an interview, I figured it’d be wit
E3 2015: The MMO and MOBA Trailers .
There have already been a ton of fantastic trailers released for MMOs and MOBAs from E3 this year. We’re making it easier for you to find all of them by putting them all together in one place, right here. We’ve put them in alphabetical order and separated the MMOs and the MOBAs f
E3 2015: Laguna's Day 1 Impressions .
This is the first time I’ve freelanced anything at E3 for MMOGames, but it’s my fourth year at the show. I admit, I still get excited around E3 time, still get a bit starry eyed, but also get a little jaded as I come to terms with what E3 means to different press. Let me get one
WoW Wednesday: An Empty Horizon .
E3 is all my Twitter feed seems to be talking about this week, and watching the revolving door of new and upcoming releases across multiple platforms has given pause for thought. There seems to be a lot of interest in the concept of open world, dynamic gaming: infinite possibilities, multip
Listed: 4 Magic Systems That Would Be Awesome in an MMO .
Last week on Listed, I did something I promised myself I would never do: I introduced several problems without coming up with adequate solutions. Shame on me! This week, as part of my penance, I’ve decided to tackle one aspect of last week’s list and do my part to introduce some
E3 2015: Virtual Reality Headsets .
Virtual Reality (VR) is the name of the game this year at E3 2015. While a lot of you at home may be hearing about Final Fantasy 7‘s remake or Star Wars Battlefront, most of what I’m hearing on the showroom floor has to do with VR. The Oculus Rift is, hands down, winning in terms
E3 2015: Sneak Peek at Goliath .
Goliath is a single player survival game about building robots that happens to include co-op and even some pvp. It’s hardly an MMO, but the idea of building giant robots to survive is quite novel, and having a shared campaign mode that you can play online just isn’t something we
E3 2015: Supernova Interview with Producer Jason Schaefer .
With all the new MOBAs on the market, and currently in development, it’s sometimes difficult to tell them apart from one another. However, that isn’t really the case with Supernova, an upcoming MOBA being developed by Primal Game Studio, because it offers something that nothing else on the m
Beta Data: June 19, 2015 .
E3 is always a strange time for game fans with so much hype around new announcements and first looks and other such things, it can be a quieter time for MMO players. However, that’s not to say there has been no Beta news this week, in fact E3 even gave us a few announcements to savor. The bi
FAQ: Best Reveal At E3 .
Every week we try to sit down and discuss hotly debated topics, ask silly questions, and answer questions we hear a lot while gaming in FAQ. This week is the obvious question. The one that barely needs asking, but ask it we will. This weeks frequently asked question is this.. What, for our w
E3 2015: Overall Impressions
Well, E3 2015 has finally come to a close, and while I really enjoyed my time at the convention this year I have to admit that I’m glad it’s over. There is only so much awesome that a person can take in with only a few hours of sleep each night. If I had to describe this year’s E3 in one wor
E3 2015: E3 After Hours .
“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one fine morning— So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceasele
E3 2015: Hands-On Ace of Arenas Mobile MOBA .
In an attempt to revolutionize the way MOBAs are played on mobile devices, GAEA Mobile is introducing Ace of Arenas. I had the opportunity to sit down with GAEA Mobile’s community manager Charles Haitkin, who explained the concepts of Ace of Arenas and provided a quick demonstration. Then it
E3 2015: Nod and Manus Virtual Reality Controls .
Virtual Reality (VR) is king at E3 2015. Though the games are getting attention, the one theme I’ve heard pop up and seen people fight for the most (aside from free swag) is VR. Most people are talking about headsets, and with good reason. They’re really something new. However, t
Eorzean Evening Post: Heavensward is a Whole New World .
Tuesday June 23rd marks the official release of Heavensward the first true expansion to Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. However a large number of players have been actively playing the game since Friday June 19th due to the games pre-order Head Start program. As one of those players I ha
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