Whether you play as Sith or Jedi, life in Star Wars - The Old Republic is exhausting. We all know that farming materials can be especially tiring... which is why you have the opportunity to let others do it for you. While you are out completing quests, up to five helpers can set up work at your starship. By performing crew skills, these companions gather resources, craft items or track shiny objects. That way you can save the galaxy without being bothered by menial tasks. So-called Mission Skills are part of the crew system and not only guarantee an additional income, but also influence your alignment with the Force:- Diplomacy: By letting your companions negotiate, you gain either dark- or light-side points.
- Investigation: Collecting clues and following evidence will reward you with resources.
- Treasure Hunting: Having an ally specialized in this mission skill will bring you rare items and relicts.
- Underworld Trading: Involves dealing with illegal goods in exchange for luxurious crafting materials.

Remember that your companions keep working, even when you go offline.