Need for Speed World: Free Items with Lucky Draw Cards

Need for Speed World
Moving up in the world of Need for Speed World without spending any real money on in-game premium items can be a bit tough sometimes. The quickest way to get your hands on more rewards - whether that’s Cash, Reputation or Customization Parts - is certainly through going up against other racers in multiplayer matches. It's always your goal to get yourself across the finish line before the time runs out, but why not aim higher? Winning a race not only gives you the ultimate bragging rights to intimidate your competition, but also grants you a better prize when choosing a Lucky Draw card.
Aww yeah! First place.
After each match, you are allowed to pick one out of five different cards. Their quality depends on how well you did during the race. Don’t lose any sleep over choosing the wrong card though, as the prize is determined as soon as you cross the finish line. All five cards are the same, and it makes absolutely no difference which one it is that you end up clicking on. Here’s what you can get your hands on by doing really well in a multiplayer match in the free-to-play online game:- Cash
- Skill Mods
- Power-Ups
- Aftermarket Parts
- Performance Parts
- Jackpot (1 Million Cash / 50x Power-Ups)

Bronze Draw Cards.
Keep in mind that in special game modes such as Pursuit Outrun or Team Escape, different rules apply. Here, it only matters how long you can evade the cops or if you manage to outsmart them and reach your destination without getting caught. In regular matches like Sprint or Circuit, players are rewarded based on the following pattern:1st PlaceGold Card2nd PlaceSilver Card3rd PlaceBronze Card+4th PlaceNormal Card