Plants vs. Zombies 2
The free-to-play tower defense game Plants vs. Zombies 2 recently added a new world to Crazy Dave’s wacky journey through time. The Dark Ages introduced a new medieval night setting and nighttime active fungi to the mobile game. The release came in two stages - levels 1 through 10 first, followed by levels 11-20 last week. We already had a closer look at the first part of the update here and are currently doing the same for the second part. On our continued journey through the middle ages, we were briefly stuck in level 12, which proved quite difficult until we discovered the right strategy. Find out what we did in order to succeed.
In level 12, your objective is to not only survive the level (duh), but also keep one entire line of Puff-shrooms alive. While you might be used to protecting certain plants, things get a little more challenging here. As you might know already, Puff-shrooms usually dissolve into thin air after a brief period of time. A dissolved Puff-shroom would mean that you failed the level. The only way to extend their life is by feeding them a green leaf. If you give this buff to one of the little fungi, all of the other Puff-shrooms will also be affected. Knowing this, you should make sure to have as many Puff-shrooms as possible on your battlefield.
This is what the stage looks like.
The level obviously provides for a good amount of green leaves and sunshine hidden in gravestones. Your second priority should be equipping yourself with Grave Busters. Utilize this plant as often as possible but be wise about which stones you get rid off first. Gravestones with green leaves should always be your priority.
We also recommend equipping yourself with Infi-nuts to protect your army of Puff-shrooms. Naturally, you will need sunlight to position them. In other words, Sun-shrooms are indispensable. Also, equip yourself with Lightning Reeds who will constantly shoot their lightning bolts to rid the stage of Grave Stones, allowing you to focus a little less on utilizing your Grave Busters.
This is what your stage should optimally look like!
Optimally, you will plant Sun-shrooms and Puff-shrooms first, while your Grave Busters destroy gravestones containing green leaves. One row of Sun-shrooms should suffice as most of the plants you use don’t require sunlight. On top of that, you should have three rows of Puff-shrooms interspersed with Lightning Reeds. This army of plants should be protected by a row of Infi-nuts. Later in the level, Jester Zombies will make an appearance. As soon as they spin towards your defensive line, you have to act quickly. Make sure to have enough extra green leaves in order to give your Lightning Reeds a few buffs. Their thunderclouds should help alleviate you from the Jester Zombies as well as any other walking dead that are threatening to overrun your defenses.