If you’ve delved into the newest world in Plants vs. Zombies 2, you might’ve gotten stuck somewhere around level 8. That’s definitely where we here at browsergamez.com started experiencing our first troubles. With the right assortment of plants, you should have no problem making it through this stage.
Introducing the Perfume-Shroom
Day 8 introduces a new plant to the tower defense game. Perfume-Shroom is a dazzling mushroom that enchants all dinosaurs in its lane – finally a way to directly influence these giant lizards! At 150 sun and with its pretty long recharge time, it needs to be wisely used. In this level, you are automatically equipped with this new plant. Additionally, we recommend choosing Primal Peashooters, Iceberg Lettuce, Sun-Shrooms, Puff-Shrooms, Guacodiles, and Twin Sunflowers. You will go up against your regular assortment of zombies.
Your main stars of this level are the Puff-Shrooms and the Perfume-Shrooms. The former are important, as they require no sunlight to be positioned, and it is quite impossible to gather enough sunlight in this stage before the first major attack starts. You will soon be attacked on several lanes at once and can use your Puff-Shrooms to fight against the pesky little Jurassic Imps. Another very important first step is to plant a Twin Sunflower, freeze the first approaching Jurassic Conehead, and immediately enchant the first Velociraptor when you have the 150 sun. After that we recommend mostly focusing on Sun-Shrooms to collect sunlight.
This was our set-up towards the end of the level.
Aside from that, it is wise to plant the Primal Peashooters as quickly as possible and always make sure to plant a Puff-Shroom whenever it regenerates. Guacodiles can be used when things get rough. Never forget to enchant dinosaurs whenever you can! Following this pattern should allow you to successfully make it through this tough day in Plants vs. Zombies 2.