In case you hadn’t noticed, the guys and girls behind Plants vs. Zombies 2 have recently added a rating system that tells you how difficult each world is, and the Jurassic Marsh is definitely up there with four of five stars. Don’t fret, though, as we here at tell you how to make it through the more difficult levels of the zombie game.
Day 9 challenges you to defeat all zombies with a pre-selected team of plants: Sun-Shrooms, Primal Peashooters, Primal-Wallnuts, Perfume-Shrooms, and Potato Mines! The level also introduces Pterodactyls, which are quite the jerks. They carry zombies all the way to the very left, where they will walk in the opposite direction towards the right, eating any plants in their way.
Our setup towards the end of the level!
We recommend planting two Sun-Shrooms first and then positioning a Primal Peashooter to fight against the first three zombies. Position the Sun-Shrooms on the second tile to the left to leave space for a line of Potato Mines. These will come in handy when those Pterodactyls arrive later on in the level. Naturally, you should plant the other Sun-Shrooms as quickly as possible and make sure that you have a Primal Peashooter in every lane. Save 150 sun to enchant the very first Pterodactyl, which arrives fairly early in the level. This will make your life a lot easier. Aside from that, it makes sense to enchant as many dinosaurs as possible, make sure that you position a Potato Mine whenever it recharges, and try to remain flexible. We were not quite able to make it through the day without losing at least one lawn mower.