Guide Diana League of Legends S6

Moonsilver Blade

(Innate): Diana gains 20% additional attack speed. Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for 20 / 25 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 / 155 / 175 / 195 / 215 / 240 / 265 / 290 (+0.6 per ability power) additional magic damage.

Tips :

Diana's passive glows when ready for the next attack.

Zone burst

   Disco glow.
A powerful passive in the mid and lategame, it is however more difficult to use against an AP long range carry before level 6.

You can therefore charge your passive twice on the sbires then make the third attack on the enemy champion with the help of a combo to maximise your burst, while having the opportunity to activate it twice during a combo with an ultimate.

You can't keep your third attack for more than 3.5 seconds. This means that if you don't attack during 3,5 secondes you must make three new hits to inflict your passive's damages.

A very good passive to quickly kill the jungler, like the spectres of the wolves between two waves of minions.

The passive works on the turrets so be careful not to take aggro by touching the opposing champion if it wasn't planned! If you play against a Diana you can profit from approaching your turret to stun her once she has aggroed the turret.

This attack does not activate Rylai's spellvamp, lifesteal or slowdown. However it does touch the spell shield.

Crescent Strike (Q)

(Active): Diana unleashes a bolt of lunar energy. She then deals magic damage in an arc. If you wish to afflict enemies struck with moonlight, use Crescent Strike. This will reveal them for 3 seconds.

  • Cost: 55 mana
  • Range to center of AoE: 830
Tips :

Sort A
That is the shape of the Crescent strike depending on the distance from which you release the spell.

Combo’s heart

   Nice shapes, that helps
Diana’s main spell for harassement as well as for farming with its low mana cost and its important damages.

Can be quite difficult to master at the beginning. It is very important to train as this spell is almost essential to successful combos.

The arc of the circle always starts on the side where Diana’s blade is located.

The spell only has a short invocation time.

This spell only costs 55 mana which is very little, allowing you to miss some skillshots. Once you master the animation, you’ll be able to punish rather quickly each mistake made by your enemy.

If you touch an enemy, he will suffer the debuff that will make him appear for 3 secondes. This then allows you some tricks such as revealing a monster in the jungle through a wall and then using your ultimate.

This spell allows you to scout for a potential enemy presence.

    Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds

    Magic Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+0.7 per ability power)

Pale Cascade (W)

(Active): Diana creates three orbiting spheres that last up to 4 seconds. They will detonate on contact and deal magic damage to all nearby enemies. This also provides Diana a temporary shield that absorbs damage. Please be aware this shield is refreshed if all three spheres detonate.

  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Sphere range: 200
Tips :

Sort Z
When Diana activates the spell, you can see 3 orbiting spheres that refresh the shield once they have detonated.

A shield, damages… what else?

   3 balls for your pleasure
Enables you to tank a lot for an assassin and will enable you to survive even longer in the teamfights if you’re fed, and create important damages.

These spheres allow you to support damages right from their activation. You will then need to be close by an enemy, a monster or minions as you’ll have to have them explode to refresh the shield.

This spell is free from any invocation time and can therefore be released while running without having to stop.

Enables to quickly push the lane and kill the jungle without losing HP.

Orbiting spheres cannot explode for a short time after their activation and it might therefore be useful to release this spell to use the ultimate. Spheres would then explode on the target immediately before it uses its flash for example.

    Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana

    Shield Strength: 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 (+0.4 per ability power)

    Magic Damage per Orb: 20 / 34 / 48 / 62 / 76 (+0.2 per ability power)

    Maximum Magic Damage: 60 / 102 / 144 / 186 / 228 (+0.6 per ability power)

Moonfall (E)

(Active): Diana who draws in all nearby enemies, slows them for 2 seconds.

  • Cost: 70 mana
  • Diameter of AoE: 900
Tips :

Sort E
Diana shows off with her white aura and draws  nearby enemies to her.

The pull

   Appealing? Hell yeah
Prevent enemies from running away, drawing them in and slowing them down. This will allow you to place skillshots, and therefore your combo, more easily.

Can be used to defend yourself before you escape with your ultimate on a minion or a neutral monster.

Enables to stop pipes like Katarina’s or nunu’s ultimate thanks to the bump.

Possible to draw an enemy in through a thin wall..

The slowing down and pull related to the spell make the jungle ganks easier.

This spell fits well with AoE compositions such as Malphite/Sona who will be able to use their ultimates if you manage to gather the enemy team together.

This spell needs an invocation time and therefore good enemies to flash to avoid pull.

    Cooldown: 26 / 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 seconds

    Slow: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 %

Lunar Rush (R)

(Active): Diana embodies the vengeful moon. Teleporting to an enemy, she deal magic damage.

When used to teleport to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight, Lunar Rush has no cooldown. It will then consume all active Moonlight debuffs.

  • Range: 900
Tips :

Diana changes into light and quickly rushes towards her target.

The dreadful rush

   Beat Usain’s record? Easy
This spell, that is efficient from a very long distance for a gap closer, enables you to chase your target until death. This is the spell that makes Diana so powerful once fed: it is indeed very hard to escape.

Diana’s combos are based on her Crescent Strike and her ultimate. Both enable to cause massive damages and go easily after enemies from a long distance. It is therefore highly recommended that you touch your enemy with your crescent strike before you use the ultimate unless you are sure you can cause enough damages to kill him directly.

This ultimate range is big enough to touch nashor and dragon through a wall to escape or engage.

This spell will have Diana appear just behind her target if its static and in front if it's running.

The spell cooldown is quite slow so feel free to use it to harass or go through a map quickly if Diana has enough mana.

Sort R
How big is that ? OH YEAH, that’s good baby !

    Cost: 50 / 65 / 80 mana

    Cooldown: 25 / 20 / 15 seconds

    Magic Damage: 100 / 160 / 220 (+0.6 per ability power)


Great pusher

Powerful in 1v1 games once on the 6th level

Snowballs a lot, one of the best hard carry

Very powerful ganks

Fantastic ability to chase

Tanky for an AP Carry

Easy to create ghosts

Not too manavorous


No real engage with strong control except for pushing inside to quickly get a kill when enemies are separated

Implies an aggressive gameplay

Not very powerful in lines until level 6

Manages distance with a distant enemy at the beginning of the game to avoid harassment while farming

Training needed to place Crescent Strike