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Metal Slug Defense: Strategy Guide

Metal Slug Defense: Strategy Guide

We already shared to you how can you have unlimited energy on Metal Slug Defense and now let’s talk about overall strategy guide that you can apply in playing games so you will always have edge of taking advantage of the first cheat you’ve learn. Actually you will only enjoy this game once you have a good strategy to defense your based. What will do you to your unlimited energy if you can’t manage to beat difficult stages, so hope this guide will help you a lot from different element of playing game. So let’s roll it:

1.  Upgrade your MSP Gain. As a beginner, you will find edge by upgrading your MSP Gain first. This will let you advance further in game without experiencing much trouble where you need to upgrade different home base items and units. Well to make it possible you need to lots of MSP as upgrade will cost you this currency. To upgrade your MSP gain ensure that you will earn more money from different stage or else you can grind for it using your unlimited energy.

2. Next upgrade is your speed power. Because faster AP generation speed will allow you to upgrade and construct faster, you need to give time in upgrading this area after MSP. In early phase of the game, you can easily win it by just adding additional units as this is all about power by number. As you make progress there you will learn to use other units as you unlocked them to work with existing deck.

3. Effective upgrades. This is not as important as MSP and Speed power upgrade but definitely they do decent part in the game. Hangar level – this will raises the maxium AP value. A good way of help of additional AP resource. Charge Speed Level – this is perfect to improve the speed of Metal Slug attack. Destruction Bonus Level – here you can boost your AP earned by defeating enemy units.

4. Things you shouldn’t upgrade. Base Level – as you upgrade this stats, it will raise your base’ HP basically in most cases you will not need to upgrade this unless you need to put defensive measure. But the main concept of playing the game is by having good attack as offense will stand as your best defense. Sortie Level – this upgrade will let you grants 10 more sortie points for your base. If you are thinking for things to upgrade you better leave this off and focus on those important things in game.

5. Freeing POW’s. This occur based on random luck but then it appears that the speed at which you clear the stage may come into effect. So what will happen here is that the faster and less units you use to complete stage the more likely that you can free the POW’s. The trick here is to farm from the previous stages over and over and you can free them all. To make it easier for you, upgrade your units by upgrading your AP a few times and then you can unleash your army to kill the enemy and move at good speed.

6. Be compensated from freeing POWs. Upon releasing POWs you will gain different rewards such as increasing your AP generation rate or increasing the damage of your character skills. You can view the details of every POW bonus from POW screen. From here you will be inspired from farming POWs at the beginning sections until you reach the maximum level for upgrading important field while freeing POWs. Don’t forget that those bonus perk from POWs are working in all game regions.

7. Familiarizing the special of your characters. Every character has their own advantage and disadvantage that you need to cover up so you can use this unit for your overall advantage. For instance, the beginning foot soldier has a good bomb attack and because they are affordable, you can use them as sacrifice that works for your defense. Think about different specials have their ranges and attack powers together with corresponding reloading time.

8. Make a variation of tank units. The best strategy to win the game is by using large numbers of ranged units. This will works on the early stage but as you make progress, the game will require you to form a better strategy. Here you can try mixing up tank units with your ranged units. Definitely those tank will take the front position and those ranged will get the rear position.

9. Combining unit types. Just like what we mentioned, sending same unit is pretty easy that will lead into victory. But then the game is not only about this. As you make progress you must formulate your own strategy from mixing different types of units. There is no perfect unit in game, even those tanks have their disadvantage from slow production. The trick here is to use different units to cover up their disadvantage while maximizing their full potential in game. For instance if you send soldier together with your main character units. The main character can do special attacks but this will cost you double amount of AP than your soldier units. Offense and defense is not only the factor on winning the game, you need always to do it with strategy. Definitely the fewer unit you send in battle that can handle victory the better strategy you have. Always play with lesser number of units as part of your challenge.

10. Maximize the potential of Metal Slug. This is your special unit that you can use in battle once. The power of Metal Slug has the ability to destroy all the infantry units as long as they can pass other obstacles such as tanks or building. Without a good strategy, you will never find Metal Slug so useful to you.