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Happy Cube Death Arena Tricks and Guides

Happy Cube Death Arena Tricks and Guides

If you are looking for a challenging game for iOS, you better download Happy Cube Death Arena as from the title itself you will get the clue that this is a kind of game with a twist. Your objective in this game is to avoid obstacles that coming towards you by jumping over them. Well of course we don’t want to you be alone and blindfolded while playing this game that is why we decided to share that guide and tricks we’ve learned from other players. Ready to get your highest edge in game? Just read some tips below:

1. Master your timing. The game is all about timing as you need to do successful jump and the key of it is to go with the timing from waiting for the obstacle to reach the cube and for you to execute your jump. The logic here is similar to skipping over the obstacle as if you see multiple obstacles coming your way then the best thing you can do here is to land as fast as possible so you are able to do a next jump for incoming obstacles.

2. Jumping techniques. We already mentioned it as you need to work it with your timing. In Happy Cube Death Arena there are few different methods of jumping. If you try to tap once this will allow you to jump once and by tapping the screen twice this will allow you to jump higher while for the last technique this can be done by tapping the screen three times and this will make you land quicker. Either of what kind of techniques you will use still you need to comply it with your timing that is the reason why we put timing first in the list since as you master the timing you are able to do any jumping techniques without compromise.

3. Jumping higher. We already shared to you different jumping techniques but actually what makes an effective timing is to go jumping higher by tapping your screen twice. This will let you have more time to work with your timing. Just ensure that you are going to do your second jump after the first jump reached the highest point.

4. Activating invincibility. Upon making a successful jump, you will get one segment of your life gauge. This life gauge is located at the top right of your screen and upon making a six jumps you will activate the invicibility meaning to say you will not die even you get hit.

5. Cube is your key in timing. We mentioned about the timing, and how higher jump can let you buy time to work with it. Now if you really want to get touch with your timing, you must keep your eye on the cube. The trick here is to focus on cube itself without getting distracted by obstacles regardless of the direction they come from. You need only to look out when obstacles are going to hit you and then by executing action by clearing the danger. From here you will say that looking at the cube and the panel will be your ally so you are able to jump on it with rhythm.