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Make It Rain: The Love of Money Tricks and Tips

Make It Rain: The Love of Money Tricks and Tips

 Because of the massive popularity of Make It Rain: The Love of Money our shared cheats is not ended there as we want to expand the list by posting more and more tricks and tips you can do in game. So as long as we found out new techniques in playing this game expect that we will post it here in our website so we suggest to bookmark us (CTRL+D) or get connected with us for more updates regarding with Make It Rain so you can return here in our website in just a single tap.

So the game is about managing your money and make it literally raining by building your empire through investments. Actually it is not to difficult to become rich in game as you can do lots of things to earn easy money but what you need to do is to maintain it and let your money work for you in the long run. And that is what this post wants you to know, so let’s start teaching our money to work for us.

1. Manage your bucket wisely. In this part you should not throw your money without a proper return of income on your investment. Actually there is a cheat where you can instantly refill the bucket as we discussed it in previous post. But now let us treat it as new case of finding new source of money. Here you need to be eager in start making investments to increase cash flow. The trick here is to think about the future of where’s your money going to when you’re not online to consume it. Definitely this will go to your bucket and bucket plays a great part in game. So you need to plan it all the way. If you are playing often, you can play the game with lesser bucket as you can always collect money from it but if are just casual player who play trice a day just to check your profit, you must have a better number of bucket. In increasing your bucket you need to go for political investments.

2. Empower your spending while increasing your cash flow. This is the primary rules in the game that you should always think for a better progress in game. With a correct investment, you can easily dominate the game even without downloading Make It Rain: The Love of Money cheats. Basically investing in businesses will multiply your funds. In game, as you acquire more wealth, there will be more opportunities to venture. You can also invest into free offers on the official website by just simply connecting your game on Facebook as this will let you earn extra cash. Progress in this game is always a sign that you are playing it effectively. This is by means of keeping the cash flow with Political investments.

 3. Investments increase cash flow. There are lots of ways to boost your cash flow as there are lots of way to invest starting with small financial investment such a Comic Book Collection, Mattress or even Piggy Bank. These investment can generate steady income from $0.50 up to $3 per second. If you think that it is time to go for broader investment you might check Political field where you can start protecting your income by controlling the entire game flow. This will let you run for class president or even a sponsor for politician. This will get your bank rolling around $100 to $4,000 per hour.

4. Legitimize your cash flow. Above, we mentioned how can you boost up your cash flow and now we need to legitimize it through business investing. Well this time you need to put security on it. Being a rich is easy but being wealthy is another story. In this game you need to secure your wealth through business. Now that you have money to spend for legitimate business, you can start with small shops like Paper routes, Flower carts, Lemonade stands etc. Here you can generate $5 up to $500 per purchase, though not so big profit compare to other investment but we can say that this is more secured from FBI agent and Uncle Scam.

5. Secure your wealth. This is more challenging than making money. Now that you have lots of money, the challenge will not end here as you need to be more vigilant in securing your wealth. The best strategy here is to keep your profile low but definitely that is not as easy as you are making billions of dollars every day. So the trick here to keep the red flag away from you while discouraging Uncle Scam to attack your business is to make a variation with your investment. Of course there are investment that can generate more money from others but it is not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. Most investors know that and we will also apply it here in Make It Rain: The Love of Money. You must also have a scapegoat as your plan B once you get caught. Having a bribe card will avoid fines without it you need to pay the fine and take it as downside from your earnings. So we don’t want that, so instead of thinking about a cure, just find a way how to prevent it.