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Paperama Cheats and Guides

Paperama Cheats and Guides

Looking for simple yet addictive game for Android and iOS platforms? You better download Paperama as a newest and simplest game you are able to play for free. Here, your task is to simply fold a piece of paper into a different shapes and create art from it. The game has a major influenced with a real life origami based on patterns and challenges. Below are some tips and tricks of playing Paperama for those who have trouble in playing it:

1. Be specific with your task. There are some stages especially for beginners that come very easy only we are expecting lot from it that made it complicated. For those easy stages, all you need to do is to follow folding the piece of paper in half enough times and there you are able to win that stage. Just don’t forget that this skill is the cornerstone for the success in difficult stages. Just broaden your ideas as well as you creativity in folding your paper and create a new shapes from it.

2. You don’t need to be perfect. Just to fill up the 80 percent of that dotted line on your screen and that is enough. Most of the time you can do that with a shape that doesn’t look anything exactly like that. If this scenario happens, take it and move on until you are ready to go back for more stars

3. Research for online pattern. As we mentioned that this game is based on real life origami, you can use your internet to find out different patterns that will fit the answer. For instance, the origami hammer tutorial that will let you get the answer to level 23. Or you can even use the hints if you don’t mind using those or you can also save them for the most challenging shapes in game. You can also use your search engine such as Google and Bing to find real life pattern.

4. You can do undo. That is the most interesting part of the game. Yes you are able to hit the undo button to bring back the last move you made. Here you can keep on bringing back the action until you got what you are expecting for. With this feature, you don’t need to repeat from the very beginning, just a few mistake away and you are able to play the previous set up in game.

5. Getting free hints. Everybody loves free and that is with hints in Paperama. Most of the time, you need to purchase them so you can use them in difficult stages. But actually the game offers free hints for those who are not fan of using real cash for the sake of entertainment. If you are belong to them, we want you to know that you have a chance to get free hints through the popup up that asking you to rate the game. By doing this favor, you will get three hints  that you can use for some challenge stages.