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HELI HELL Walkthrough Guides and Tricks

HELI HELL Walkthrough Guides and Tricks

If you enjoyed playing Sky Force 2014 while reminiscing on how your video game addiction started, I believe you will also enjoy HELI HELL as you will experience controlling a Helicopter instead of plane. Here you will experience controlling a helicopter where your main goal is to do destruction against your enemies while surviving by avoiding attacks from them. With different challenges you will encounter in game, you can upgrade your helicopter by mounting different weapons and other set up. Below are some tips and tricks you can use to play the game effectively without thinking that playing arcade game is technically difficult.

1. Focus on avoiding. Just like the effective strategy we did in playing Sky Force 2014, you can also do the tricks of focus on avoiding enemy fire than to look with your target. Very simple to do and yet this is the common mistakes for most players. They are busy in aiming for their target and see how they explode in game but actually that is not important or should I say least important as the key for this game is to survive longer in game. So instead of looking for your target, just play the game and avoid every fire that can set your helicopter on fire. While you are only looking at your helicopter, it will give you a better perspective in game so you can maneuver perfectly.

2. Determination is your weapon. Actually in everything you do even in playing video games, attitude affects the large part of it. In this game as you make progress, you will notice that persistence is the key to dominate it. Since the best way to advance in game is to be persistent while you are collecting as many coins as you can, together with your objectives. This is a good method of earning coins as well as pushing your progress for boss fight. Think about the more lives you do you have, it is likely for you to stay in the level longer enough to kill the boss.

3. Focus on your mission. As you arrive in battle, you must familiarize yourself with your currency objectives. Before each level, you will be given a three objectives to complete. Your primary objective comes with passing or moving to the next stage by destroying the boss. There are also some missions that will ask you to destroy specific number of smaller targets where you are able to get certain number of coins.

4. Item boost. As you start a new levels, the game will ask you to do an option of using your coins you have collected to purchase upgrades. This is perfect with difficult stages as you are being heavily outnumbered. Equipping with power-ups will let you spend coins so you better use these to the most effective situation. Wait until you find lots of enemies on your screen before to use such power-ups.

5. Twist and Stick mode. In HELI HELL, you are able to pick between the two main modes, the twist and stick mode. You can play with attack and destroy as many enemies as you can before they can do damage against you or you can dodge their attacks and focus on keeping out of harm’s ways. For you to advance further across different levels, you can dodge attacks and destroy enemies as well rather than attacking the straight away.

6.  Keep the track of you HP. This is important as you have an idea if you are going to destroy or you can still receive more attacks from your enemies. Just keep in mind that when your health runs out, you will be given the option to respawn but this will ask you to pay gold coins. Also in game, you are able to see enemy with health meter as well in form of red triangle above. This is enemy that will require you hit more than one fire to destroy.

7. Getting new helicopter. Instead of upgrading, it is better to secure a new helicopter as the best the chopper that you buy the more armor you will have and let you take more damage before destroying. With a little twist, you are not able to upgrade your existing armor so you don’t have choice but to purchase another helicopter.  This also works with weapons, instead of upgrading your existing gun and your missiles that can reach three times upgrades, it is better to purchase new guns and missiles, though this is more expensive but in the long run this will give you much fire power.