Icon Pop Quiz – TV and Film Level 6 Answers 48/48

Icon Pop Quiz Answers

We have the answers for Icon Pop Quiz – TV and Film Level 6 answers #1 –  #48 for iPhone, Ipad, iPod and Android. the game is created by Alegrium. So if you are stuck on an icon, we have the answer.

ICON POP Quiz challenges players to name famous people, hit movie and TV shows and characters using imaginative, handcrafted visual clues inspired by each answer. The more accurately and quickly you respond, the better the score you’ll have to compete against friends worldwide on Game Center! Can you guess all the icons? If not we have the solutions below for you.

All the answers are in correct order, with 48 icons in total, devided on 3 pages each with 16 icons.

Sylvester Stallone
Nicolas Cage
Robert De Niro
Robert Downey, Jr.
Lana Del Rey
Avril Lavigne
Azealia Banks
Steve Buscemi
Samuel L. Jackson
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johansson
Flo Rida
Fred Durst
Wiz Khalifa
Chester Bennington
Theodore Roosevelt
Benjamin Franklin
John F. Kennedy
George Washington
Alfred Hitchcock
George Lucas
Danny Devito
Steven Spielberg
Mick Jagger
Barry White
Dave Grohl
Dolly Parton
Frank Zappa
Travis Barker
Kenny G
Wes Borland
Roberto Di Matteo
Louis Pasteur
Galileo Galilei
J. Alexander
Tyra Banks
Nigel Barker
Jay Manuel
Russell Brand
Deddy Corbuzier
Jay Leno
Adam Savage
Grace Jones
Susan Boyle
William Hung