School Days by MDickie Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide

School Days is an open world sandbox high school survival game. Whew, that was a mouthful! In this unique take on the sandbox genre, you take control of premade or customized high schooler on their first day at a new high school. Will you become a diligent hard working honor student? Or rise the popularity ranks by stepping on the weak and fighting the system? You get to decide! We’ll help you develop your character with our School Days cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!

1. Buttons!

Since the game doesn’t really explain the controls that well, we’ll go over them here.

A is the attack button. Rapid taps will make your character throw out combos.
G is the grapple button. Grappling a person enables to either set them up for an offensive move, or go in for nice hug! It also throws any item you might be holding.
R is the run button. Self-explanatory!
P is the pick-up button. Picks up any item nearby or on the ground.
T is the talk/interact button. Tapping it with no item held will make your character talk to nearby people. Tapping it with an interactable item will perform that action, for example eating or drinking a food item.

2. Watch your sanity!

The small yellow meter below your health meter is your sanity gauge. Stat decreases, fights, and general negative events that happen to your character will reduce your sanity meter. On the flip side, positive events like stat increases restore the meter. Be careful not to let it drop – if it reaches absolute zero, you will lose control of your character! Your character might have a nervous breakdown in public, or even turn on anyone around them, going into a blind rage!

3. Health is just as important!

Your health meter goes down naturally over time and as you take damage from natural causes or fights. To restore it, try eating some food from the cafeteria. You can also get food from stores, but take note that you need to pay for them otherwise shop keepers might get mad! Yes, it’s a little weird just picking up food off the ground and munching away at it, but you gotta do what it takes to survive!

4. Get some sleep!

But above all, the best way to restore both health and sanity is to sleep – preferably on a bed! Resting in a chair works too, but not as well as sleeping. At the end of a school day, assuming you didn’t cause any trouble to lower your health and sanity, you should have a little bit left. Sleep in your bed at home to prepare for the next school day!

5. Avoid fights!

This school is crazy chaotic and both the students and teachers behave erratically. If you happen to see a fight break out, try your best to avoid the chaos. You might end up accidentally damaging someone, causing you to go to the principal’s office. The principal almost always sides with the faculty, so you’ll have to spend needless detention time at school. If you insist on fighting back though, try using an object lying around as a weapon.

6. Friends?

Approaching someone and tapping the T button will make your character engage in a conversation with any person nearby. This can help your character make friends! Making friends is important as they are the ONLY way to learn how to play the game properly. They’ll even come to your side in fights! Speaking of which, another way to make friends is to defend them! If you witness a random fight happen, fighting one of the people involved but not the other will make them side with you.

7. Attend class!

Don’t skip, you deliquent! Attending class is the best way to improve your grades, naturally. Remember that you don’t have to be there before the class starts, you just need to show up at least before thirty minutes into the class, otherwise you will be considered late.

8. Don’t leave yourself defenseless!

If you ever find yourself beaten up and on the floor for whatever reason, rapidly move the digital pad and tap the attack button to get up faster. If you don’t press anything your character will remain vulnurable on the floor, open to more attacks. Also, if you get grappled by someone, tapping the attack button will sometimes cause your character to counter attack!

So it’s safe to say School Days is quite the chaotic game. Anything goes, and this was just a guide for trying to be the best student possible. If you’ve got any other tips or strategies to share, leave a comment below!