Siegefall - Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Being a Tough Leader

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So, you fancy establishing a base and ruling the world again. Siegefall is a convenient place to do that, but how about some great tips and tricks on how best to go about it? Here are a few ideas on how to get ahead as a beginner to this medieval world.

The basics

  • Resources are, of course, everything - As you level-up your keep, you’re restricted in how many farms and sawmills you can have. Make sure you always hit that cap as soon as possible. This should always be your priority. Upgrade them wherever possible, too.
  • Keep your storage buildings high in number and fully upgraded, too - It’s all part of an eco system that really helps in keeping you strong.
  • Don’t bother rushing many buildings early on - Be patient and save those gems for bigger projects. You don’t want to feel lured into making in-app purchases for no reason, do you?
  • Plan your base carefully - Learn from enemy base layouts and see how things work out for them. A lot of effective designs are almost puzzle like in nature and you can set things up so that troops are pushed into bottleneck scenarios, if you plan carefully.
  • One useful tactic is to bait your enemy with less useful buildings near your defensive walls. Surround them with towers and you can chip away at the invading enemy quite well.
  • Upgrade your barracks and troop types frequently to ensure that they can still handle combat effectively.

Battling it out

  • Focus on the single player campaign until things get too tough - You can acquire plenty of resources to strengthen your base, making it the perfect time to switch to multiplayer and take out some of the opposition.
  • Single player has the added advantage of unlocking new heroes, which is great news for you! It’s more fun that way, too.
  • Don’t forget the challenges either, with these unlocking useful new treasures and other bonuses.
  • It’s tempting to use all your cards quickly but don’t do it - Save them for when you really need them, especially the particularly strong cards such as the area effect attacks. If nothing else, those cards aren’t cheap and you don’t want to waste money for nothing.
  • Don’t forget to upgrade your Card Keeper so you can enjoy extra slots and some extra flexibility.
  • Try to keep a heal card at the ready at all times - They can make all the difference in battle, even more so than offensive cards.
  • Remember to scout ahead when facing a new enemy - You can plan accordingly that way and know what troops will work best in which scenario.
  • Keep an eye on your hero in battle - They’re tough but not invincible. You want to keep them alive at all times. Partly because they cost money to re-hire but also because they’re the troop type that you can directly interact with. Use them to focus on defensive structures, in order to make the invasion smoother for other troops.



+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad Released: 2015-06-24 :: Category: Game