The Walking Dead: Road to Survival - Tips, Tricks, and Strategies on How to Survive

Did you download The Walking Dead: Road to Survival despite our review? Well, I’ll assume you just really love the show rather than you’re wilfully ignoring anything I say. Either way advice is always welcome, which is why we have a selection of tips and tricks to ensure you survive for longer than expected.

General Tips

  • Save those gold coins - Gold coins are the premium currency in this game. Don’t waste them on frivolous nonsense - i.e. speeding timers up. Save them for the big things.
  • Keep an eye on your missions - Check the missions tab to find out more on how you can earn extra gold coins, as well as ways in which to earn food, material, and experience. It all adds up quite nicely and some of those missions are really easy to complete.
  • Don’t claim food/material rewards till you need them - While unclaimed, they can’t be stolen by other players so see it as a kind of safety deposit box.
  • At level 5, you can join a faction - You should definitely do this. Safety in numbers is a big thing here.
  • Read the storyline and think about the decisions you have to make - They're not as pivotal as you'd think but they do make things much more interesting.

Building and Developing

  • Always upgrade your city hall first, then move onto other buildings - This will unlock new options for you as well as expand the land area that you’re able to use.
  • Upgrade your material post often - This creates enough space to store plenty of materials, and as materials help you build new things, that’s pretty important.
  • Don’t forget about the training ground - This allows you to convert survivors into characters that you can use, thereby bolstering your roster. If they’re not that powerful, you can always use them to upgrade other characters.
  • Don’t forget about the workshop, either -The workshop helps you create items, such as potions to keep you alive in battle.
  • Focus on upgrading a few characters rather than all of them - Upgrade your rarest people first by absorbing 1 or 2 star characters.

To Battle!

  • Grinding really does help -Replay missions frequently to garner extra benefits from them.
  • Don’t forget to equip weapons - How you should do this depends on your characters’ persona types so plan accordingly.
  • Remember that different traits mean different strengths and weaknesses in battle - To put it simply - blue beats red, red beats green, green beats yellow, and yellow beats blue.
  • Humans can attack from a distance - Always kill zombies that are nearest to your team, but remember that this doesn’t apply to human enemies as they can attack, regardless of where they are.
  • Hold a finger to the icon of your character to see their special ability.
  • Zombies hiding behind barricades can only be attacked with ranged weapons. Remember that!
  • Build up your rush attacks by attacking regularly - Then save the attack for when you really need it - i.e. during the final wave during a boss battle.
  • Save rush attacks for groups of enemies - Remember a rush attack that strikes a number of enemies is pretty pointless if you’ve got one single enemy to attack so plan around that.

The Walking Dead: Road to Survival

The Walking Dead: Road to Survival

+ Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad Released: 2015-08-26 :: Category: Game