Timberman Cheats - AppGameCheats.com

Timberman Cheats

One of the hottest games out right now is timberman. It’s a simple 8 bit game but addicting and challenging which makes it the perfect kind of game to pick up when you have a few minutes of downtime. If you are looking for a little competitive advantage to help maximize your scores this cheat guide is for you.


Stay tuned for our 3 cheats and glitches video tutorials for Timberman. These will be updated shortly!

Timberman Tips Guide:

1) The 4 chop trick – Basically when a branch appears at the top of the screen you need to remember that it’s exactly 4 chops until it hits timberman’s head. So by knowing this you can time your chops and switch sides right before the branch hits you on the head. Four chops then switch!

2) Pattern awareness – Usually the branches come in rows that resemble a pattern. You should learn to recognize these so you know how many chops you should take before switching sides. For example a common patter is 2 chops, switch, 2 chops, switch…

3) Life timing – Practice speeding up and slowing down based on your life meter. When there is a good setup coming you should chop fast as possinle to refill your meter. On the other hand you should slow down when their is a difficult section coming up.

4) Favorite Chopping side – As you probably already know there is one side you like to chop from more than the other. If you have time you should always try to get back to your comfortable side during “down” periods.

Hopefully these timberman cheats will help you out with breaking that high score. Stay tuned for updates and new hacks as they become available.