Spooky Pop Cheats, Help, & Hack for Gems - AppGameCheats.com

Spooky Pop Cheats, Help, & Hack for Gems

Spooky Pop is a free-to-play puzzle game from developer Super Cell, which is the same developer behind Clash of Clans, and it’s available in Canada in the Apple iTunes App Store. Currently, Spooky Pop is on Version 0.3.1 and is 44.4 MB, which means it’s perfect for your iPhone, Ipad and even your iPod Touch, as long as you’re running iOS 6 or above.

What is the Object of the Game?

When you play Spooky Pop, the object of the game becomes about matching three or more colored blocks together to create a laser, which is used to kill off the ghosts. Once you get rid of all of the ghosts in one level, you will move up to the next level. When you look in the picture, you will notice other characters, and these are your supernatural hunter friends. The different colored gems all represent a different supernatural hunter in the game, which means that one color goes with one character. Then when you get enough blocks together in a color, the supernatural hunter who goes with that color of blocks gets to fire off the ghost-killing laser.


Keep The Ghosts Away

One thing that is unique about Spooky Pop that I enjoyed was that you have to keep getting the three blocks to help power your supernatural hunter friends. Each turn you take, you will notice that the ghosts keep coming ever so slowly closer to the supernatural hunters. If you cannot power up the hunters quick enough, the ghosts will end up coming down and killing them. You have to keep leveling up the weapons and attacking the ghosts, which is done through making the three matches, so that the ghosts stop coming toward the hunters.

Then, you will notice that there are barrels and bombs and many other things that will come down and get in your way, and even pieces of the wall will fall, which can harm your ability to shoot at the ghosts. It’s really fun because you are pretty much facing an invisible timer, due to the fact each turn the ghosts get closer and become more of a threat to the hunters. There will also be other enemies that will get in the way as well, so you are not always going after the ghosts. Sometimes you might have to use a couple turns to kill the enemies, which means the ghosts are two steps ahead of you and closer to the hunters. The funnest part about this game is trying to keep the boards clear of the bombs and enemies while also trying to keep the ghosts at bay, and also trying to keep your hunters powered-up. In my experience, the more things that you have to do at one time, the better the game is because it’s more involving and challenging to the brain.

In-App Purchases

I did find that the in-app purchases were pretty much useless and were way too expensive to really be able to use them. You can purchase 250 gems for $21.99 and 650 for $52.99 which is really way too much money, and I think it’s insulting the developer would think people would actually purchase the gems. I get that you need the gems in order to power up the weapons of the hunters, but it’s not worth that price at all, especially since this game is fairly weak in terms of actual game play and in-depth graphical content. So if you have a child, I would highly suggest making sure in-app purchase capabilities are removed, because the price of these items makes even one purchase feel like you spent a million dollars. I would also say that while the game itself is very fun, you never feel like you need to get past the level or beat the ghosts, at least not in the same way you might feel if you were playing a different game, like Candy Crush. It’s fun but it’s not like an “Oh I have to beat this right now” game.

Spooky Pop Hack for Gems – iOS & Android

Spooky Pop power ups can rescue you from certain failure during a game.  The use of a power up can stop the monsters from taking lives from your characters and causing you to lose.  In order to buy power ups, you need gems.  Saving your gems over time can give you a bit of an advantage so you have them when needed, but this will only last for so long.  Chances are, you’re going to need to buy more gems at some point in the game – unless you have a hack!

The Spooky Pop hack allows you to add an unlimited amount of gems to your account without having to spend a dime!  The hack is free to download and works for both Android and iOS devices.  You can download it right here at AppGameCheats.  It will automatically install onto your phone or tablet and you’ll see a menu screen like the one pictured here.


Once you’ve downloaded the hack, you first need to select which type of device you are using to play Spooky Pop, either iOS or Android.  Then tap the “Connect” button to link the hack tool to your Spooky Pop account.  After the hack has connected, simply type in the amount of gems you want to add.  We recommend leaving the Anti-Ban and Use Proxy boxes checked to ensure that you dont get banned from using the hack.

Now just tap the “Start” button to begin the Spooky Pop hack.  You can see the progress of the hack in the bar at the bottom of your screen, it usually takes less than 30 seconds.  The hack tool will notify you when it’s complete.  Open your Spooky Pop app to see that the gems have been added to your account.  Now you can play Spooky Pop with all the power ups you could ever need and without having to spend money!

Spooky Pop Cheats & Tips

You might not know it, but there are actually a few different cheats and tips that can help you move up levels in Spooky Pop. Some of these tips are fairly obvious and benign while other tips might actually help you significantly, but it all depends on whether or not the tips are used properly.

Power-Up the Hunters With Enemies and Ghosts First – Obviously, one of the best tips I can give you about this game is to make sure you focus more on the hunter where there is a ghost right in front of them. You want to keep making sure the hunter that is in the middle of a fight has as much power as possible, which then makes it easier to kill the enemies and ghosts. You don’t want to focus solely on the hunters with enemies in front of them, but you do want to make sure they are getting first dibs at the power-ups, especially if the ghosts or enemies are coming closer.


You Should Power-Up All Of Your Hunters – Even if you are not engaging that specific hunter in battle with a ghost, you want to make sure the hunter is working at full capacity for when the time does come. You want to keep making the matches for all of the hunters so that you can get the board cleared quickly and move onto the next ghost. I found it easier to just start powering up from left to right so that I knew each hunter was getting more and more power, and it’s also a good way to not forget which hunter you were powering up on the last move. This tip of course is valid after you have powered-up the hunter who is dealing with the enemy or ghost straight on, and should be done when you know you can afford to miss powering-up the hunter engaged in battle.

Go For More Than Just Three – While the whole point of this game is to match three of the same color blocks, you really want to try to get more than three blocks together. This is because if you have more than three blocks together, you will have more power. If you can add more blocks onto the three blocks, then you will get stronger and be able to do more damage. You can also hurry if you see another three-block area on the board and go match those three real quick. The more three-block matches you can make in one turn or the bigger the initial blocks are, the stronger you will get without taking more turns.

You Can Move Game Pieces – One thing you might not know about this game is that you can move the game pieces, even if it’s not part of the match at the time. Obviously, you have to wait until your turn to do this move, and you should do it after you have already made your match for the game or else your turn will end. You can only move the game pieces over one block, but that can make for a huge match in your next turn if you play it right, so always be looking out for a block that is just one space out of range.


Not All Ghosts or Enemies Are the Same – When it comes to trying to defend and attack the enemies and ghosts, you need to know that they aren’t all created equal. This means that each ghost and enemy will have its own way of moving and attacking your hunters, so you will need to know how each one is different from the other. If you can figure out which ghost and enemy does what and when, you can better attack them and also protect the hunters. Some might move slower or might move twice at once, so always be looking out for what that enemy and ghost is doing and try to find the patterns in behavior. If you can get this down then it will help you move up levels and will make the harder levels a bit easier.

Bombs Damage From Far Away – You might think that bombs will only harm you if they go off really close to you, but this is just not true. Even if a bomb is fairly far away, it can still cause you damage, and sometimes that damage can actually kill you if your life is low enough. You might be almost on opposite sides of the board, but if that bomb goes off, it’s still going to impact you at least to some extent. This is why you need to get rid of all enemies and bombs before you go after the ghosts, because they can harm you even if they are not near you. So make it a priority to get these bombs off the board quickly, and continue to lookout for bombs that might reappear during a battle.

Ratings: A Solid 9/10 Overall

Game Play: When it comes to a game where you are fighting ghosts and creatures and have bombs going off, this is probably one of the best games I have ever played, and I give it a 9/10. I think what makes the game play so fun is that you have to keep matching the blocks and powering up your hunters, all the while trying to clear the board of bombs and enemies before you can even kill the ghosts. There have not been any glitches in this game and no annoying ads that get in the way of the game play, which can happen in some free games. You are not overwhelmed in this game but you are also not breezing through it, because you have to have strategy and luck, mixed in with a bit of knowledge about powering up effectively.

Originality: Spooky Pop almost combines Clash of Clans with Candy Crush in a weird way, and maybe has a little similarity to Bejeweled as well. I do think the concept of the game was different though because the ghosts and the enemies all made it seem like you were really trying to fight off these creatures as a supernatural hunter. The three-block matching was nothing too new, because block-matching happens in quite a few games, which also might be why I felt it was similar to Candy Crush and Bejeweled in that sense. I did think it was original in that you used the blocks to power-up the characters in the game, with each character having their own colored block and attacks. I give it a 7.5/10 on originality simply due to it taking things you recognize from other games, and finding new ways to use those ideas.

Sound: As with most puzzle-like games, I found the sound to be ordinary, so I give it a 6/10. I did not find the sound to be that appealing just because it sounded like a lot of other games out there in terms of when you got the three-block match and when you were being attacked. It made a few weird sounds that sounded like a UFO or spaceship coming down during a few parts of the game, which I found to be interesting. Other than that, you heard a little bit of spooky music and some sounds that you might think came from a piano or a symbol, and were similar to clicking sounds. The sound was not annoying or over-the-top in terms of distracting you from the game play itself, but it just was kind of boring.

Art Work: I give the artwork in Spooky Pop an 9/10 because I thought the graphics were really cool and the designs of the ghosts and enemies were fairly intricate and interesting. I think that the supernatural hunters looked and seemed like they were real compared to other games that use more animated and fake looking people. I also liked the details on the blocks and thought it was pretty interesting how the entire board was setup. The pieces of walls falling down and the barrels were all detailed and looked real as if it was happening outside your window. I was a real fan of the artwork mostly because I think it’s hard to try to make a game look scary, especially on the smaller screen because it’s harder to see the designs. The ghosts were my favorite thing because they did honestly look evil with the eyebrows shaped how they were, so they did a good job conveying the spooky and evil or scary element.