Raids of Glory Cheats, Guide & Hack for Gold, Rum & Skulls -

Raids of Glory Cheats, Guide & Hack for Gold, Rum & Skulls

As a big fan of all of the Chillingo games, I was really excited to see that they had released a brand new game on the app store recently, I immediately downloaded the game and started to play it, my excitement quickly turned to a feeling of utter disappointment.

Basically, Raids of Glory shares a lot of similarities with more popular games such as Supercell games Clash of Clans and Boom Beach, it’s just your classic coastline defender/coastal attack game, you take out the defenses of other islands, claiming the spoils, whilst also working to ensure the security of your own island, to defend it from the attack of enemies.

The setup of the entire game is pretty much the same as every other strategy management game that has ever been available on the app store. The game gets very dull and quickly, the tutorial feels as though it goes on for way too long and it seems like they assume that you just have no clue what you’re doing and feel the need to explain literally every tiny little detail to you as though you’re a four year old.


Since the game is still a pretty early version, I expected to see bugs, but I never expected the game to become completely unplayable at times, the game would freeze up quite frequently, leaving me to close out of the game on the taskbar and have to completely reload the game. The fact that you can only play up to a certain point makes the game infinitely harder, the design of the home island is seriously really bad, you run out of space very quickly, leaving you unable to progress any further unless you’re willing to buy extra cash to expand the space you do have.

Whilst Raids of Glory definitely has more than its fair share of issues, it cannot be denied that this game is pretty, everything about the game screams at you with color and beautifully created landscapes. Even running the game on an old iPad 2 provides impeccable graphics and artwork.

The upgrades for building are severely overpriced, leaving you with literally no money left after having slaved away for days to attempt to collect the funds to make some upgrades. The rewards for upgrading certain buildings as part of a quest do not outweigh the amount of work you have to do in order to even get to the point where you’re able to.

Raids of Glory Hack for Skulls, Gold & Rum – iOS (Android Coming Soon)

If you’ve played Clash of Clans then you will probably be a fan of Raids of Glory.  Just like many other strategy games, resources are a crucial part of your success in the game.  You are going to need plenty of gold, rum and skulls in order to maintain a competitive advantage.

Over time you will accumulate these resources but this can take a long time and chances are you’re going to need more resources than you have.  Instead of having to pay for skulls in Raids of Glory, you can just use a simple hack to add unlimited resources to your account.

The Raids of Glory hack is currently only available for iOS devices but it will work for Android as soon as the game is released for that platform.  You can download the hack tool for Raids of Glory here at AppGameCheats and it is totally free.  Once you download the tool, you’ll see the hack menu which is pictured here.


The hack tool will automatically install once you download it onto your device.  First you need to choose which type of device you’re using to play the game.  It’s currently only available for iOS but the hack will work for Android when the game is available on Google Play.  Tap the “Connect” button to link the hack to your Raids of Glory account.

Once the hack is connected, type in the amount of skulls, rum and gold you want to add to your account.  Tap the “Start” button when you’re ready to begin the hack.  The Raids of Glory hack will take a total of about 30 seconds to finish.  When it’s done, you can open your Raids of Glory app and you’ll see that the rum, skulls and gold have been added to your account.  Enjoy playing Raids of Glory without having to pay for skulls ever again!

Raids of Glory Cheats & Tips

Whilst this game is a pretty simple one, working hacks have been developed for it to allow you access to infinite skulls and gold, so if you don’t really feel like putting the effort in to play this game legitimately, go ahead and get one of those hacks, I would not blame you if you did, because I really don’t feel like this game is worth the time, hacks can be found quite easily via Google, or if you know any popular hacking sites, the hack is likely to be added there too. If you are curious about the game and why I think it’s so bad, check out these tips and tricks to help you through hell, hack free.

The very first thing you’ll want to do is to upgrade your gold storage building. When you first start the game, you’ll only be able to hold a maximum of one thousand gold pieces, going through the tutorial will leave you with a newly built gold storage building which will increase the gold you can hold up to two thousand gold pieces. After playing the game for a little while, you’ll probably notice that you’re actually receiving more gold than you can hold as the camps you can attack will usually give you two thousand to three thousand gold pieces. To make sure that you don’t waste any of that hard earned gold, I strongly advise that you upgrade your gold storage as soon as possible as making your storage a level two storage building will then grant you enough space to store seven thousand gold pieces, an amount which will last you for a little while, but as you get farther in the game, it would serve you well to keep all of your building upgraded as high as they will go because space runs out quickly in this game.


Make it a priority to complete as many of your daily missions as you can as they will reward you with the premium currency skulls which can be seriously invaluable in a sticky situation. The missions are typically fairly easy and more than worth checking out. A lot of the time you don’t even realize that you’ve completed a daily mission until you look at the mission checklist and find that you’ve somehow managed to complete all of your missions resulting in a pretty nice cache of skulls. Don’t forget that there a bunch of new missions every day, so if you do find yourself becoming committed to playing this game, it’d be a good idea to make sure you get those missions every day.

In the beginning of the game you’ll notice a trashed light house on your island, you’ll want to repair this as quickly as you can as it unlocks Facebook linking, multiplayer mode and the option to find a gang to join or create your own. It can be repaired for one thousand five hundred gold which can easilybe gained, so it’s really in your best interests to get this fixed up as soon as possible, especially considering how useful it is once you’re part of a gang due to the fact that they can help you out should you ever get your island trashed.

When it comes to attacking other islands you need to be strategic, a good idea is to get a better look at what their defenses are and what kind of fighters you will need to win the battle. Each different type of fighter has different levels of effectiveness against different structures and enemies, for example, with the fighters you first have access to – the Scallywags, they are best suited to attacking the resource based buildings like gold storage and rum storage, whilst another type – Scoundrels, can deal twice as much damage against the hostile structures like the islands defense towers. If you know exactly which type of fighter is strongest against what, it will seriously help you out in the more difficult battles.
One of the biggest threats you’ll face whilst battling is the defensive structures that the enemy island may have. These can usually take down any Scallywags you send on to the island in as little as three or four hits, so these pesky little things should be taken care of sooner rather than later. The best way to do this is to send your scoundrels onto the island first and have them direct their attention to the defensive structures, quickly taking them out and allowing your Scallywags to continue the crusade of overtaking the island. Trying to figure out a strategy that works is imperative to your survival in the game. Just remember that when deploying groups, don’t do mixed groups as these cannot be directed individually, deploy entire groups of the same type of fighter then deploy another separate group of another type.


When checking out the competition amongst friends or random islands the game suggests that you check out, you don’t necessarily have to decimate their entire island. In the left corner of the bottom part of the screen, you’ll see a small gift icon which allows you to leave your neighbor a friendly gift. Doing this regularly leaves the potential for developing bonds with fellow players and creating allies instead of enemies who will most likely get you back with a vengeance.
Remember that the most important thing in this game is protecting your own island, because as soon as your new player protection has ended, you WILL get attacked and it will be often, believe me, I came back to the game after only playing the previous night to find that I had been attacked five times since I had last played the game. Ensuring that you’ve taken the appropriate measures to protect your island will prevent this kind of thing from happening, or you’ll at least management to fight off some attackers. Consider the best spots to place your defensive structures such as rifle towers and landmines. Don’t go cheap when it comes to your defense as you’ll only end up getting totally destroyed and losing out on your resources.

Raids of Glory Review

Raids of Glory lacks a lot of things that more popular games credit for their success, such as the ability to explore and adventure, there is no competitive spirit, which is something that can make a game that much more addictive, we as human are competitive creatures, if a mere game isn’t going to have something that is an element of human nature, then how is it going to successfully attract the attention it clearly craves?

You can’t even connect your game up to Facebook until you’re at a specific point in the game and you repaired certain building, something which is so outrageously stupid in my opinion. The purpose of allowing members to connect their games to their Facebook accounts is to get the word out there that their game exists and they want you to come play it, why restrict this if it’s one of the few ways you’re actually going to get more players? From this, it’s clear that this game has been half assed and has had more effort placed into making it look good than how they actually plan to run the game or market it, I foresee this game becoming one giant flop.

Sure, Raids of Glory tries to make up for where other strategy management games have failed in their combat system, but it also seriously ends up bringing the entire game down with it by taking some crucial element away.

The game definitely encourages its players to participate in combat; however there are quite a few flaws in this system. The game likes to suggest certain players who you can attack, which is a good idea; at least it would be a good idea if it actually worked. Upon selecting an opponent to attack the game will instead inform you that you cannot actually attack that player. This would be due to the fact that they were new players, thus immune from being attacked from other players. Why would the game suggest new players to attack in the multiplayer mode, if I cannot actually attack them? Further reinforcing my belief that this game has been totally half assed.


When fighting AI battles as part of the single player mode, you’ll find that your fighters are not well programmed and actually act very stupidly in battle. For example, if you’re attacking someone else’s island, they have a tendency to just go straight for the buildings rather than taking out the enemies or towers that are attacking them, which means you end up losing the majority of the guys you’ve spawned, their own stupidity kills them. They will just stand there hacking at a building whilst being killed by everything that they’ve just walked past. Games like this are supposed to be programmed in such a way that you don’t have to constantly watch and babysit them, you gave to manually target specific enemies top ensure that you don’t end up completely losing the fight like you would if you just left them to do their own thing.

Nowadays, anyone can make a game, but it just isn’t enough to make clones of already successful games, make them look visually appealing in the hope that you’ll end up becoming the next big thing on the app store, because that really isn’t how it works. You have to make sure that your game offers everything that the best games have and more. Many games have successfully managed to build on the strategy management genre, unfortunately, Raids of Glory just isn’t one of them, it offers nothing new, nor does it contribute to the genre. I only hope that it manages to rectify this in future updates.

Currently, Raids of Glory is running version 1.42 and requires your device to be running at least iOS version 6.0oranything later. Bear in mind that whilst playing the game, it is still running a quite early version, so you are bound to see various bugs, just make sure that your report these bugs to Chillingo via Facebook, Twitter or by email. The game supports various languages, meaning that it should be playable all over the world. Raids of Glory can be downloaded from the app store for free with the option to purchase further in app premium currency. The game currently has a two and a half star rating for the current version of the game and an overall three and a half star rating on the app store, showing a mixture of both positive and negative reaction to the game, with many players complaining about the bugs they have encountered and problems even running the game.

Raids if Glory offers a variety of premium currency packs that can be purchased in game. For a handful of one hundred skulls it will cost you $1.99, for a bunch of four hundred skulls it will cost you $4.99, for a bag of nine hundred skulls it will cost you $9.99, for a crate of two thousand skulls it will cost you $19.99, for a chest of five thousand five hundred skulls it will cost you $49.99 and for a chamber of one hundred and thirty thousand skulls it will cost you $99.99. Skulls can be used for a variety of things from speeding up your building upgrades to buying special buildings.


Artwork: I give Raids of Glory a 9/10 for its artwork. The artwork of this game definitely leaves little to be desired, it is beautiful and colorful, it is visually pleasing and gives of the impressions that the game is going to be a really good and fun game. It is clear that the artist put a lot of effort into making this game look good. Sadly, the artwork is just a blanket that covers up all of the problems that the game truly has, looking beyond the cover that is that artwork, you see the game for what it truly is; a shambles.

Music and SFX: I give the game a 4/10 for its music and SFX. A lot of the time I found the sound effects to be completely out of sync with action going on with the game, which is something that can make things really confusing and distracting, especially when you’re in the middle of a battle, they were also very stereotypical and unoriginal. The music was pleasant but it wasn’t exactly mind blowing, it looped and got old and annoying very quickly. Whilst the music definitely fit into the whole feel of the game, it didn’t really help with the flow of gameplay, which is something that this game seriously needs.

Story and Originality: I give the game a 2/10 for its story and originality. I can honestly say that that there is absolutely nothing original about this game. New games that take from previous games are supposed to build on the legacy of other games, contributing something to the genre that other future games might use, because we do live in a world where people steal other people’s ideas and the only way that we can counterbalance this is to make something truly our own, which is something that the creators of Raids of Glory obviously missed. In addition to the lack of originality, there is no line of story to this game, something that could have offered it some kind of structure which is also something that it desperately needs. In regards to story and originality, this game disappoints.

General Gameplay: I give the game a 3/10 for its general gameplay. Since the last update, very few bugs have been fixed at all, it seems that the developers are only wanted to concentrate of content for the game rather than addressing the bad user experiences that many report whilst playing the game. The game plays about as well as it did when it first released, again, the developers are just concentrating on appearances in their game rather that how well it is actually running. I reiterate my earlier fact and say that this game isn’t going to fail no matter how much stuff they cram into it, in fact by not addressing bugs and just adding content, they may even be making the situation even worse. Unless the bugs and user concerns are addressed, the rating for this game is just going keep getting lower; it is no wonder that the current version has only a 50% user rating, a rating which I can see dipping even lower unless these issues are remedied.

Addictiveness: I give the game a 2/10 for addictiveness. For how badly the game runs I don’t think that this rating is such a surprise really. Sure, you can get into the game pretty easily, but the thing is, the entire thing ends up freezing or bugging out before you even have the chance to decide whether you like it or not. There isn’t a compelling storyline to get engrossed in, nor is there any actual compelling gameplay in it, it lacks any substance that might make a mediocre game additive. The entire game leaves a lot to be desired, if you want something fun that actually runs well, I suggest going playing Clash of Clans or Boom Beach, at least those guys know what they’re doing. I can see this game going down the toilet and being forgotten pretty quickly.

Overall, I give Raids of Glory 4/10. Keep at it guys, I’m sure you’ll get there someday…or not…