Forge of Empires Hack for Gold, Diamonds & Supplies 2016

Forge of Empires Hack for Gold, Diamonds & Supplies

Forge of Empires is a free city-building game brought to you by InnoGames GmbH, and the goal of this game is to become the leader of a new city, and help the city evolve from the Stone Age to the modern times, and even beyond modern civilization. This game is based off of the browser-based game, which was published back in 2012, and won various awards as a result of the success of the game.


You can download Forge of Empires for Android and iOS devices, through Google Play and Apple iTunes. If you are downloading this game for Android, you need to have Android OS 4.0 and above, as well as 44 MB for the download in 2016. This game has a medium maturity level with it and is currently at version 1.49.103. If you are downloading this game for iOS, you need to have iOS 7.0 and above, as well as 58 MB of room.

You can get this game in English, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Turkish. This game is rated 9+ on iOS, which means that children under 9 shouldn’t play Forge of Empires due to the mild and infrequent cartoon violence, as well as fantasy violence. This game can be ran on iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, although it is optimized for iPhone 5. You probably cannot get this game on iPod Touch unless you have the fifth-generation due to the fourth-generation iPod Touch not having access to iOS 7, unless you jail break the device.

Top In-App Purchases

There are a lot of different in-app purchases you can get in this game, which all cost real money, and this can get expensive quickly if you tend to rely on the purchases to help you progress through the game. You can get 110 diamonds for $2.99, 220 diamonds for $4.99, 600 diamonds for $9.99, and 1500 diamonds for $19.99. You can also purchase the more expensive in-app items which are 5,000 diamonds for $49.99 and also purchase 10,000 diamonds for $79.99.

Forge of Empires Hack for Diamonds, Gold & Supplies 2016

In order to be successful in Forge of Empires, you need to have lots of gold, diamonds and supplies.  Without these resources, you wont be able to build your civilization to be the greatest.  If you don’t want to spend your real money on diamonds, then you need a hack.

The hack for Forge of Empires can add thousands of diamonds, gold, and supplies to your account for free.  The tool is available for both Android and iOS devices and is free to download here at AppGameCheats.  There are no surveys and this hack does not require a jailbroken or rooted device.

You can access the options menu after you download the hack tool.  Just follow these instructions to complete the hack!


Once you download the Forge of Empires hack, it will install automatically.  Start by choosing the kind of device you are using to play the game, Android or iOS.  No jailbreak or APK root required, no surveys either! Now you can choose the amounts of diamonds, gold, supplies, and points you want to add to your account.

When you are ready to begin the hack, tap the “Start” button.  It will take about 30 seconds for the hack to finish working so be patient.  After the hack is complete, open your Forge of Empires app and you’ll see the diamonds, gold and supplies have been added to your account.  Enjoy ruling the land with an unlimited supply of resources!

Forge of Empires Cheats & Tips

Use Diamonds on Expansions: In Forge of Empires, you can purchase expansions, which help you expand onto your city. You really want to save your diamonds for the expansions, instead of spending the diamonds on something less useful, such as another building or upgrade. It does take a little while to get expansions, because they are often geared towards the more technologically-advanced ages, but it’s worth waiting for because the expansions give you a lot more rewards.


Move Town Hall to Top Right: When you get your Town Hal building, you want to quickly move it to the top right corner of your city. This is because you will find yourself having more space if you move the Town Hall up there, and you will have easier access to all your buildings. Since you really want to build roads that connect to the Town Hall, it’s important that the Town Hall be in a location where all the buildings you have can quickly connect to it. If you have other buildings in front or behind, it will be more confusing to you when it comes time to make the roads and then connect them all, and this also will limit the amount of room you have for other buildings.


Be Careful About Your Expansions: At some point in the game, maybe not early on, but there will come a point when you need an expansion. When you purchase the expansion with your diamonds, you want to place the expansion in an area you have thought out very carefully. This is because you cannot move the expansion once you set it, the game won’t let you, so you have to make sure that the first place you put your expansion is the place you really wanted it to go. If you are not sure where to put your expansion, you can hold off on purchasing it until you have an idea mapped out in your head. The area where you put your expansion is very important, and you want to keep them in one row or column. Since you need to connect the buildings to the roads, you need to make sure everything is just in one row, which helps you keep that access to the roads without losing space on your map.

Review of Forge of Empires

When you first start the game, you will go through a tutorial which shows you how to begin setting up your civilization starting at the Stone Age. Before you even begin the tutorial, you will hear chirping noises coming from birds and also the sounds of horses in the background, and it will sound just like the country side would. The music plays softly in the background from the beginning of the game, with it being very peaceful and serene, which is good if you are someone who just likes a little background noise. The only thing is that the music can throw you off as you progress in the game and begin doing battle, so you might have to turn the music down or off if it becomes to nice for your demeanor in the game.


You will meet Ragu Silvertongue, who will end up being your right hand man. You will be shown how to build the houses, which first starts out as huts, because you will need room for the people in your city. The people in your city are who produces the income for you, then you can collect the coins that are earned from the houses when the income symbol appears. When you get your first hut, you will need to place the hut in the location where it tells you, then a little hand will appear when you are in the right spot, then you just tap the check mark to set your hut down.

You have to remember too that the people in your city will need production buildings, since they will be making you produce and supplies, and this is how you will begin quickly building up your city. When you get going in the game, you will need to get a hunter as well, who is important as far as food and those types of resources go. You want to always be connecting the buildings you are making with roads, then you want those roads to go to the town hall building.

Your guide, Ragu, will tell you that you also need to research while you are building up your city, which is done by hitting the research button on the screen. This allows you to gather supplies to create new technologies, which helps you advance through the various civilizations, while also helping you build better houses made out of stronger materials. The bigger and better houses you get, the more people will be in your city, and then the more money you will earn as a result of them working in the production buildings. You will also get coins as rewards for your research efforts, so even if you are halfway through the game, you always want to be researching to innovate new products and helping your civilization advance.

You will also be able to seize control of other territories in the area once you discover them, which means you will be able to steal the products and rewards that area has. You can exchange products and trade with the people around you, and also negotiate with your neighbors to take over their territories. If you are not in such a good mood, you could also choose to battle with your neighbors and fight for their territory, which helps you prove your skills as a King. The more you research and advance your technologies, the better your buildings, goods, and weapons will become, which is all part of helping you progress through the civilizations to the modern times and beyond.


As you progress through the game, you will be trying to increase your production as much as you can, which helps you earn more coins, and the coins are important for upgrading basically everything in your city. This is one of those city-building games that involves quite a bit of strategy, although it’s still simple enough that even a new person to this type of game will be able to catch on pretty quick. You can go through the game as a cooperative neighbor and helping other players out in nearby areas, or play as a bad guy and just taking control of everything you can from jump street. Either way you go, there are so many options and ways to advance your city that you will be playing for days on end throughout 2016. This is a fun game, but does have some violence, although it’s not that gory. You will like the graphics in the game because they are really nicely done, with a lot of details, especially when it comes to the various buildings in the city and the types of people who will be inhabiting your city.


Music: The music in this game gets a 9/10 because it’s really beautiful and peaceful, which will remind you of old times or of the olden days before industry became popular in cities. You will hear horses and birds and just all of the wonderful sounds of nature, which is really nice. In a game like this, where you have to think strategy, the calming music can really help you think and concentrate. You will really enjoy the music, but almost to the point of it making you fall asleep because it’s so relaxing.

Graphics: You will find the graphics in this game to be really unique and detailed, so this part of the game gets an 8/10 because it’s really well done. You will love how you have various parts of your city and how you can decorate the city with various buildings such as an art museum. You will find yourself in awe over the thought that went into creating the game because every aspect of a city was put into the game. You will also like the battle and raid scenes, with a bit of violence, but it’s not too gory or intense. You will just find yourself really involved in the environments and the surroundings you have in this game, and it’s really well done.

Gameplay: The gameplay in Forge of Empires gets a 9/10 because you will be blown away at how smooth and fluid every part of this game is. From the city building in the beginning of the game to the raids and battle scenes, it just all comes together nicely to create this place where you are taking over to become King. You will go through the various parts of civilization from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and then to the Modern Age, and there is a lot of uniqueness to each of these specific parts in time. You will love how you can easily transition from one thing to another, collect your coins from the people in your city, and then go off and do research to get even better technology for your city. It’s just a very fluid game that you will find is unlike a lot of other similar games, and it’s very simply laid out for people who are new to this genre of strategy city-building style of gaming.

Overall: In terms of overall, Forge of Empires gets a 8/10 because you will enjoy almost everything about this game, from the city-building to the music, the battles and raids. You are trying to take over and become a Lord or a King, showing every neighbor around you who is boss, all the while making your people work for you, but trying to keep them happy though decorations and other items too. You will love how the game goes seamlessly from one part of the map to the other, whether you want to engage in battle or get a new house for your people. It’s a game that young and old gamers can enjoy, and the violence isn’t terrible, so even younger children will be okay with this game.