Marble Heroes Cheats & Hack for Gems & Coins -

Marble Heroes Cheats & Hack for Gems & Coins

Marble Heroes is a free action-based game for Android devices that allows you to use magic to summon various marble heroes and mythical monsters to overcome the evil minions and bosses found in the game. This game is very simple and you will want to spend hours playing this fun action-packed game, including adding up to four players to make the game even more fun and rewarding.


Marble Heroes is available for Android devices for free through Google Play, although you must have Android 2.3 and up to download this game. Marble Heroes uses 41 MB of room on your device and is rated at a medium maturity level, which means children under 12 should be supervised if you allow them to play this game. There are numerous in-app purchases you can make in this game, which range from $.99 to $99.99 per item.


In-App Purchases

You can buy 65 gems for $.99, get 900 gems for $9.99, and also get 3,000 gems for $29.99, although right now you can get 3,450 gems the first time you order. If you really are into the game you can go all the way up to 11,800 gems for $99.99. Gems allow you to purchase Dungeon Tickets, expand your Beast Book, Summon Monsters, and recover stamina, so they are an important aspect to the game itself. You must be careful though because it’s really easy to start spending money on gems without realizing just how quickly you go through them, then you end up needing more and more. You can also use coins in this game as well, but it’s really easy to get coins during battle, so it’s not even something that is available in the Marble Heroes Shop.

Marble Heroes Hack for Gems & Coins – Android

If you’ve played Marble Heroes already, then you know how important it is to have lots of gems and coins.  Coins can be earned pretty easily, but gems must be purchased using real money.  For most players, this isn’t an option.

The Marble Heroes hack tool allows you to add unlimited amounts of gems and coins to your account for free.  All you have to do is download the hack tool here to get started.  It’s currently available for Android devices because that’s the only platform that the game is on.

You’ll be able to view the settings menu after you download the hack.  It will look like this image below.


After downloading the Marble Heroes hack tool, it will install automatically on your device.  Select Android as your device type and check the “Wi-fi” box.  Now type in the amounts of gems and coins you want to add to your account.  You can also enable the option to unlock unlimited stamina.

Tap the “Hack” button when you’re ready to begin the Marble Heroes hack.  It can take up to 30 seconds for the hack to complete, so be patient.  When the hack is finished, open your Marble Heroes app and you’ll see the gems and coins have been added to your account.  Now you can enjoy playing Marble Heroes without having to worry about spending money on gems!

Marble Heroes Cheats & Tips

Try to Bounce off Allies When Possible: One of the best things about Marble Heroes is that you earn more points and do more damage when you bounce off one of your marble allies. When you pull back the marble before releasing it, you should try aiming towards one of the allies so that the Buddy Skills are activated, which is essentially like hitting the enemy twice, which gives you a lot more in the way of points and achievements. You will also notice that when you hit the marble off an ally before hitting the enemy, it will activate different skills, which is vital when you progress through the game and have to fight off more difficult bosses. This trick also allows you to beat the enemy in less moves, which is also how you can score gold and points.


Aim For Weak Spots: When you are fighting a boss, you want to start aiming for the weak spots on the boss character, which will give you double the damage points. It might take a few turns for you to realize where the weak spot is on that particular boss, since it changes spots depending on the character, but you will soon realize where that sweet spot is. It’s like hitting someone in the knee who just had knee surgery, which means always aim for the spots you know are the weakest in your opponent. When you aim for that weak spot, you will end up doing double the damage for every time you hit that spot, which then gives you more points. This is important when you get into the difficult boss battles, because you want to kill them as soon as you can, so always take the double damage points when you can to end the battle quicker.

Pick Up Gold Quickly: Once you defeat a boss, you need to be on the lookout, because the boss will drop gold. Once the boss drops the gold, you need to go in there and pick up the gold as quick as you can, because it will end up going away and then you won’t get anything for your efforts. The quicker you are at picking up the gold, the more awards and points you can get. When you first start playing, you might not even realize that the bosses who you beat up will drop gold, which means there is a chance you could miss the first couple opportunities. It’s always good to remember before your first boss battle that once you beat the boss, stay close so you can grab the gold and run.


Know A Certain Elemental Hierarchy: When it comes to playing Marble Heroes, you want to keep in mind a specific hierarchy wood will counter frost, frost will counter flame, and holy and dark will counter each other. This is not something that is very difficult to understand if you go by the old saying about everything having an equal and opposite reaction, which is basically what this is when you think about it. Frost counters flame because it’s cold whereas flame is hot, so you need to remember about how those types of elements counter each other, which will help you during battle and setting up your marble army.

Review of Marble Heroes

Marble Heroes is one of those action games that doesn’t have a lot of intense graphics, but is still a lot of fun to play, because the heroes and monsters in the game are done up in such detail that it’s really beautiful to watch all of them come to life. This game starts off really easy, with a guide to help you figure out how to level up your monsters and heroes after the first fight and boss battle. The tutorial will show you the various skills each of the monsters and heroes have, and there is a blue arrow that will direct you to the right buttons to click in order to evolve and refine your monsters.

You also have the option in this game of playing with up to 4 other players and getting other player’s monsters to help you in battle, which earns you more points and also means that more valuable items will drop at the end of the battles. The tutorial stays around long enough to teach you how to access other player’s monsters to help you during battle, which is called selecting your helper. It’s nice because you have a blue arrow guiding you along that process and telling you about the health and experience of the other player’s monsters. You can tap and hold each monster to view the attributes and skills associated with that monster, which is good for knowing the other player’s stats as well as your own before you decide to engage in a battle.


Once you level up and evolve the monsters and heroes, you will come to enjoy the ease of just pulling back the marble, pointing it to a location, and then letting it go. It’s one of those very easy drag and release type of games that requires little except your finger on the screen making it happen. There are no weird combinations to remember, which is nice if you are looking for a fast and fun game where little thought and no memorization of combination strikes are needed. This is also nice because kids of all ages can play this game or adults who have hand or wrist issues, due to it being so easy to drag and release the marble monsters into play. You can activate the special skills of each marble to create a variety of different situations as well, such as laser beams or explosions, which is fun and gives you an element of variation in the game. These special skills of the monsters will be needed even more later into the game where you have harder bosses who tend to do you more damage than you do them with just regular hits.

Marble Heroes is also a great game because you have over 100 marbles that you can play with, so not only is there a lot of variation in the characters, but also a variation in the special skills and this can help you create your own unique marble militia. You can place these marbles in certain locations on the board to help you get rid of those minions without needing to make too many moves and without dying, so you do have some strategy when it comes to setting up your marbles. You can play around with all of the different marbles to see which ones you think look cool or have the best special abilities, then level them up until they are super marbles that cannot be beaten or messed with. It’s nice because you can play with up to 4 friends and you can all have different marbles with different skills, and that allows you to play off each other in the strengths and weaknesses department. You really do want to utilize the differences in the marbles so that if one marble can’t do something, you have one that can, because having a group of the same will not get you the win during tough battles. Obviously, this game is also a blast because the higher up the levels you go, the more difficult the bosses, but the rewards are also better so you really feel like you are achieving a lot when you beat the really tough bosses.


Gameplay: While you might think this game is lacking when it comes to real in-depth battle or graphics, it’s actually the opposite. Sometimes the best games with the most fun gameplay have a simple design element to them, but mixed with the 100 unique marbles and special skills, this game is way more complex than some simple action-based marble game. The details on the creatures, both heroes and villains, are just really amazing, and it’s fun to see what all different skills they all posses. The best part about this game is the battles because you have to line up your creatures in a way that kills off the minions as quickly as possible and then you go into the boss battle, where you really need to use your allies in order to make the most out of the situation and beat the boss without dying. The ease of just pulling the marble back and letting go is what gives this a 10/10, because there are no glitches or lag when it comes time to battle, it’s all perfectly carried out as planned.

Music: The music in Marble Heroes is kind of weird but in a fun way, because sometimes it sounds like some techno or disco music, but it’s not overly annoying or loud. You will find the music actually gets you into the mood to fight and helps you think about strategy, but the music isn’t quiet or calming either. The music and sounds in this game are just as fun and original as the game itself, so it gets a 9/10 because of the originality and uniqueness of it.

Graphics: As previously mentioned, this game is not graphically-intense, but the graphics are definitely very detailed and deserve praise. The creatures and the animated marbles with the very tedious details really show you that this game is something special. You will look at the graphics and animation and think that someone took a lot of time thinking about the creatures and the marbles, especially when it comes to the battles and how the marbles interact with the bosses and use the special skills. This game gets a 10/10 on graphics due to the interesting and very detailed depictions throughout every part of the game, from the summoning to the minions and boss battles, it’s all just amazing.

Overall: While you really might think this game isn’t action-packed enough for you, it’s one of those sleepers where it’s a lot more fun than it’s getting attention for. The simple yet interesting and complex gameplay and graphics will want you coming back for more, and once you get the hang of the special skills, you won’t want to put this game down. Add in the fact you can play with up to 4 other people and summon the other player’s monsters to help you, it’s just full of fun and endless possibilities. If you enjoy strategy action games alone or with other people, this is one of those games that has something for everyone, and it’s definitely worth checking out. Easily a 10/10 overall because while it might not sound like much, once you get involved in the game and go through 100 marbles and see the details of each monster, you will just be in awe.